To show our gratitude for how you’ve blessed us this year, we’re giving you a free video download of Ken Ham's message, The Clarity of Scripture. You'll be inspired by this message that is left out of far too many pulpits: Scripture is clear, and Genesis is relevant! Both are foundational to our faith and shape our worldview. Start your thinking on the rock of God’s Word.
We'd also like to give you a download of A is for Adam. This animated film shares the message of the gospel to young children, beginning in the book of Genesis.
Free gifts available only until December 31, 2019.
Where did the phrase "Happy Holidays" come from and how should Christians react? Share this informative, but concise booklet during the Christmas season.
Free PDF available only until December 31, 2019.
Would you like some help focusing your family on Jesus this Christmas? These three Christmas-themed readings from The 10 Minute Bible Journey will help you do just that. Includes audiobook, ebook, pdf of book and coloring sheets too!
New and updated Sunday school lessons now available in ESV and KJV for all ages! Download includes teacher guides, posters, games, activity sheets, and more. Help your students focus on the real meaning of Christmas.
Now is a good time to start a new Bible reading plan. This special bookmark turns any Bible into a chronological Bible. Start reading and prepare to finally grasp the big picture of Scripture!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.