Use code LIFE25 in your cart and save 20% or more on these life honoring resources and Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Gifts and Apparel.
Savings expires January 31, 2025. Excludes already discounted packs.
12 3D lenticular pictures that highlight the stages of development and illustrate the miracle of human life. Use these to show others that every baby is made in the image of God from the moment of fertilization. While supplies last.
$29.99 $14.99
Celebrate the wonder of life in this awe-inspiring book featuring photographs of the Fearfully & Wonderfully Made exhibit at the Creation Museum. Includes a 41.5" foldout timeline of The Journey of Life Before Birth.
$19.99 $15.99
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.