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One Race, One Blood Curriculum

Watch Dr. Charles Ware speak about grace relations, instead of race relations, during one of his presentations used in this curriculum.

Shatter the Race Barrier

One Race, One Blood DVD Curriculum features Ken Ham, Dr. Charles Ware, Bodie Hodge, and others who candidly yet carefully address the evil of racism in today’s culture. You’ll see how the idea of evolution has fueled the fires of racism and that many still believe the lie that there are races at different levels of evolutionary “progress.”

Perfect for small groups, Sunday school, or self-study, this curriculum will equip you to understand the cultural problem, how the Bible addresses it, and the barrier-shattering power of the creation/gospel message. Viewers discover that we are all descendants of Adam, blood brothers who are sinners both by nature and by choice. But Christ died and conquered death to save descendants of Adam from every tribe, tongue, and nation.

One Race, One Blood Curriculum

One Race, One Blood Curriculum

Equip your group to experience the barrier-shattering power of the gospel message, beginning in Genesis with this 12-session, DVD-based small group Bible curriculum.

DVD Set includes Teacher Guide, Student Guide, 3 DVDs, and 2 promotional posters.

Digital Download Bundle includes Teacher Guide pdf, Student Guide pdf, 12 videos, 1 audio, and 1 promotional poster pdf.

DVD Curriculum Set
$51.96 $34.99

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Digital Download Bundle
$29.96 $20.97

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One Race, One Blood Curriculum - Leader Guide

Leader Guide

$19.99 $13.99

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One Race, One Blood Curriculum - Student Guide

Student Guide

$8.99 $6.29

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More Resources to Answer Your Questions About Race

Save at least 30% on these resources when you use code 1RACE30 in your cart. Expires June 30, 2020.

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