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  • Ark Gifts and Resources
  • Journey Through the Ark Encounter
    Journey Through the Ark Encounter

    This massive re-creation of Noah's Ark built in Kentucky is an architectural and engineering marvel that contains three decks of amazing world class exhibits. This book will guide you step-by-step through this faith affirming wonder.

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  • Ark Signs
    Ark Signs

    Read through the extraordinary teaching signs displayed in the Ark Encounter! Ark Signs is a beautiful memento of your trip to the Ark and a great tool to strengthen and share your faith.

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  • A Flood of Evidence
    A Flood of Evidence

    A Flood of Evidence, the book created to address the countless questions asked about the Flood and Noah's Ark over the years! It contains what you need to know in a way that is easy to read.

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Noah’s Ark Gifts & Resources

Save 20% or more off the retail price of these ark resources plus get free ark mug with your $100 order. Use code ARK1DD until 8-31-17.

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  • Ark Apparel
  • Ark Gifts
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