Aliens: Fact or Fiction

Aliens: Fact or Fiction? Now Shipping!

What happens when Science Fiction loses the fiction and is accepted as science?

Movies, television, comics, and radio have captivated people with the thought of UFOs and extraterrestrial aliens. So much so, that many people are convinced that there really is other intelligent life in the universe. But can that be?

Experience this specially formatted version of the popular Creation Museum planetarium show, Aliens: Fact or Fiction, in your own home. Discover where these ideas come from, what astronomers have found, and what the Bible says about life beyond earth. Aprox. 20 minutes (Ages 8-Adult)

Watch the full show now, get the DVD later! For a limited time, when you get the Aliens: Fact or Fiction? DVD, you can get the download for only $1.99. This special offer expires July 31, 2016.

Order DVD and watch download now! SAVE $8!

Exclusive DVD bonus features (not included on download):

  • Craters Across the Solar System, a scientific talk by Dr. Faulkner. (aprox. 60 min.)
  • Behind-the-Scenes interview with Dr. Faulkner (approx. 8 min.)
  • Interactive quiz game, JIMI's Wild Space Adventure. Have fun helping JIMI and his dad fix their ship by answering questions about the show.
  • Option for 5:1 surround sound.

Danny Faulkner

Dr. Danny Faulkner served as chief researcher and writer of this new planetarium show. He earned graduate degrees in physics and astronomy and taught at the University of South Carolina Lancaster for over 26 years. He has written more than a hundred papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals, and is author of several books including the popular Universe by Design and The New Astronomy Book.

Add code ALIEN16 to your cart and save 20% or more! Savings expires July 31,2016.

Note: The Aliens: Fact or Fiction? DVD introductory special of $12.99 is excluded from the 20% sale.

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