Pieces of Light

A Dinah Harris Mystery

Written by Julie Cave
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  • Format: epub, mobi
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 288 pages
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Grade: 9 - Adult
  • Publisher: Master Books
  • Published: 2011
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-3-044
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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Read the compelling third book in the Dinah Harris mystery series. In Pieces of Light, detective Dinah Harris hunts down a serial bomber targeting religious icons and buildings. Can someone so intent on ridding the world of God experience redemption?


From Rage to Redemption

What if your spiritual authority abused you? How could you accept the love of God when His earthly representative only brought you pain and shame? Just how long could you contain your rage?

In Pieces of Light, detective Dinah Harris hunts down a serial bomber targeting religious icons and buildings. The bomber is on a mission to rid the city of religion and establish a “new world order.” Can someone so intent on ridding the world of God experience redemption? What lies behind his hatred of God? Will his darkened soul search for pieces of light?

Pieces of Light is the third book in Julie Cave’s Dinah Harris mystery series. The first two books of the series, Deadly Disclosure and The Shadowed Mind reveal the amazing grace of God while showcasing a world losing sight of Him. In Pieces of Light, Cave continues her compelling storylines using believable characters and realistic situations to:

  • Identify the importance of living under the authority of the Bible
  • Deliver a Biblical worldview perspective to current events
  • Illustrate the power of Jesus’s sacrifice and desire to redeem every life
  • Provide believers a resource easy to share with skeptics

Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis described The Shadowed Mind (book two) as “another nail-biting mystery with an incredibly powerful message about God’s authoritative Word.”

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Julie Cave

Julie Cave is a Christian Australian author determined to share the authority of the Bible and love of God. By writing fiction, she teaches both the Christian and skeptic the power of God's word and the saving love of Christ.

Find out more about Julie's Dinah Harris Mystery Series.


I encourage Homeschoolers to obtain these as required reading for your high schoolers. Great reading with a strong AiG message.

—Ken Ham, CEO, Answers in Genesis/Creation Museum

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