Quick Answers to the Skeptical Questions of the Age
Get quick answers to some of the most-asked questions about the Bible and creation. Your faith will be encouraged by the overwhelming scientific confirmation of God’s Word, and you’ll be better equipped to give an answer for your faith!
Today, biblical authority and the faith of Christians are being undermined daily. A relentless stream of secular attacks from supposedly solid science has put many Christians on the defensive. In this popular presentation, Bryan Osborne gives over 20 quick and concise answers to tough questions on issues like evolution, age of the earth, distant starlight, Noah’s ark, death and suffering, ape-men, and dinosaurs.
We have been called and commanded to equip ourselves and those under our care to effectively address the skeptical questions and comments of believers and unbelievers alike (1 Peter 3:15). This video will help you stand firm on God’s Word, defend the faith, and boldly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to a secular culture!
Includes 66 minutes of video, plus bonus features.