There’s no doubt kids (and adults) are fascinated by dinosaurs—yet this topic is used more than many others to indoctrinate children in millions of years and evolution, inoculating them against the truth of God’s Word. The vision for Dinosaurs of Kids was to produce an updated, fact packed, first class book on dinosaurs with spectacular cutting edge artwork, yet presented in a biblical framework so all readers understand the Bible is the true history book of the universe, and all need to respond to the gospel message. This book will rival the quality of any secular book for kids on dinosaurs—yet honors the Word of God.
—Ken Ham, President, Answers in Genesis/Creation Museum
I just want to say thank you for the Dinosaurs for Kids book by Ken Ham. My friend Lynn and I have been praying almost every week for over 1 1/2 years for the area schools. The Lord directed us recently to donate books to the public schools, thus birthing a book ministry. One of the first books we ordered was this dinosaur book. It had to have been the Lord because we knew nothing of the author or the message behind the dinosaurs. After reading this book, I said to myself ‘I would have given $1,000 for this book.’ But the Lord said to me, ‘No, I will take 1,000 souls because because of this book.’
God bless you and your work,
—Stephanie L. (Ohio)