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Will They Stand & Equipping Families to Stand Pack

List Price: $75.92
$54.99 Sale
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  • Format: Download Bundle
  • Dimensions:
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-2-750
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

These digital downloads are included:

  • Will They Stand (PDF - 2.2 MB)
    for any device with Adobe Reader.
  • Will They Stand (EPUB - 9.5 MB)
    for iPad/iPhone, Android, Nook, and most other eBook readers.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - Biblical Identity and Releasing Your Child for Mission (HD (720p) MP4 - 1900.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - Developing Your Child's Character (HD (720p) MP4 - 1900.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - Equipping Your Child for Life Relationships (HD (720p) MP4 - 1700.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - Panel Q&A (HD (720p) MP4 - 1400.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World (HD (720p) MP4 - 1900.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - The Relevance of Genesis for Today's Families (HD (720p) MP4 - 1500.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.
  • Equipping Families to Stand Conference - What Every Child Needs in a Mom and Dad (HD (720p) MP4 - 1600.0 MB)
    for Windows, Mac, iPhone/iPad, Android, and most other devices.

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Ken Ham's book, Will They Stand, combined with this 7-disc set featuring Ken and Dennis Rainey, provides the foundation and tools for biblical parenting, with solid answers from these two Christian leaders, fathers, and grandfathers.

What’s Included $76 value

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