
A Dramatization about the Lost & the Saved

Featuring Vickie Gaynier

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  • Format: DVD
  • Dimensions: 5.25" x 7.5"
  • Length: 38 minutes
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2016
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 30-9-533
  • ISBN:
  • UPC: 881994008360
  • Includes optional English subtitles

Filmed at the 2015 Answers for Women Conference, hear a powerful dramatization of the passengers that were saved, and those that were lost, on the Titanic! Free Discussion Guide included.


Vickie tells the story of how Pastor John Harper, his 6-year-old daughter Annie, and her Aunt Jessie boarded the biggest, most luxurious ocean liner in the world. Over 2,000 passengers and crew members set sail on this floating palace for its maiden voyage from England to New York. The vessel was built with airtight compart- ments making it—what they thought to be—unsinkable. The news- papers stated that “not even God” could sink this ship. But in fact, the Titanic, never made it to the port in New York.

Hear the heart- wrenching and heroic stories of passengers who shared or heard the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ as they were facing the end of their lives on this earth.

Free Discussion Guide included.

Embrace Series

We certainly live in a fallen world, and we all know someone who is experiencing the effects... someone who is hurting. An important part of apologetics (defending the faith) is helping people understand the impact of sin in the world, and when necessary, lovingly confronting them and helping them change. In the Embrace series, you will hear from women as they share practical, biblical ways to embrace and encourage those who are hurting.

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