Nye/Ham Debate Premiere Pack

List Price: $86.95
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  • Format: Pack
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  • Ages: All ages
  • Published: 2017
  • ID: 1001722
  • SKU: 90-7-833
  • ISBN:
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Get equipped with these debate resources! Watch both debates and then learn more about how to counter critics and answer questions about biblical events with three great books!

What’s Included $87 value

  • Nye/Ham: The Second Debate

    For the first time ever, watch the uncut two-hour “walking debate” as Bill Nye “the Science Guy” tours the full-size Ark Encounter with Ken Ham.

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  • A Flood of Evidence

    A Flood of Evidence, the book created to address the countless questions asked about the Flood and Noah's Ark over the years! It contains what you need to know in a way that is easy to read.

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  • Inside the Nye Ham Debate

    With millions watching this live debate on February 4, 2014, Bill Nye "the Science Guy” squared off with Answers in Genesis founder and CEO Ken Ham in a historic debate. Go behind the scenes and beyond the event with this book to get even more details on the topics discussed!

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  • Confound the Critics

    Whether you want to witness more effectively, or give someone seeking truth a resource that will help, Confound the Critics is the perfect choice to counter critics and answer questions about biblical truths.

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  • DVD with Bonus DVD Uncensored Science: Bill Nye Debates Ken Ham: DVD with Bonus DVD

    “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?” This DVD features Bill Nye and Ken Ham debating one of the biggest questions concerning the scientific community today.

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