Over four decades ago, America legalized the intentional taking of innocent human lives in the womb. It is hard to imagine greater depravity. God does not want us to sit idly by. Life is Best is a brilliantly produced pro-life DVD series. A must for every Christian who wants to rescue the perishing.
Even teenagers recognize the affront to God and His creation as they learn about America’s growing culture of death, and they are inspired to help serve as catalysts to bring about change! Life is Best doesn’t just teach, it shows. Life is Best hits the streets and brings the pro-life argument to universities and engages actual college students.
Life is Best doesn’t just teach pro-life apologetics, it shows you how to apply them on real people.
- What does the Bible say about abortion?
- What does science say about life?
- How to respond to common objections.
- How to interact with post-moderns.
Homeschool, Sunday School and every family will not take their eyes off Life is Best.
Features 13, 25 minute episodes on 2 DVDs. PDF Study guide included.
Exclusive! FREE DVD of New Life, Stem Cells, and Cloning by Dr. Tommy Mitchell with your order of Life Is Best.