In a masterful way, my good friend ‘E.Z.’ deals head-on with the issues of male leadership and sexual sin that so need to be addressed in our church culture.
It’s ‘no holds barred’ for E.Z. as he challenges men concerning sexual purity. The statistics of men addicted to pornography and other sexual sins, even in the church, are horrific. But E.Z. doesn’t just give statistics and his opinions (though he does include engaging stories from his family and travels). I love the way he begins by building his entire case on God’s Word, beginning in Genesis . . . I’ve heard marketing for tours of the Holy Land say that after you visit Israel, ‘you’ll never be the same.’ Men, read this book, and I guarantee you will never be the same. (Excerpt from the foreword)
—Ken Ham, Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum, Ark Encounter
If you look up the word wisdom in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of Emeal ‘E.Z.’ Zwayne. Whenever I need godly wisdom (and it’s often), he is my go-to person. As you read Fight Like a Man, which is unquestionably one of the most powerful books of its kind, you also will partake in the riches of his godly discernment. This insightful book is written from a passionate conviction that is rooted in personal experience and in Scripture. It’s a practical battle plan for this never-ending war that rages in the soul of every man. As you soak in its truths, they will strengthen you in your walk and help you guard yourself from the sharp and fiery darts of the Evil One.
—Ray Comfort, Founder & CEO, Living Waters
‘Fleshly lusts…wage war against the soul’ (1 Peter 2:11 NASB). Carnal passions pose the deadliest kind of spiritual danger, even for believers. The battle we face against such temptations must not be undertaken half-heartedly. Emeal ‘E.Z.’ Zwayne gives an urgent and inspiring call to arms for men in the throes of temptation—and he rightly sounds the trumpet without any hint of uncertainty. If you are not winning the war against carnal lusts, read Fight Like a Man. Every man needs the help this excellent book offers.
—Dr. John MacArthur, Senior Pastor of Grace Community Church
If God made men to fight, the most essential battles are won not by the strongest or most experienced but by those warriors who have clean hands and a pure heart. They’re not perfect but purehearted like David. If you want to slay the giant of lust in your youth or kill the monster of sexual shame once and for all or finally become ‘a man after God’s own heart,’ read Fight Like a Man. It’s an eye-opening and transformational book! Like a powerful Jedi Master, Emeal ‘E.Z.’ Zwayne shares practical and precise biblical principles that will teach you how to put to death the evil deeds of darkness and grow strong in your abilities as a mighty man of faith, integrity, and courage.
—Kirk Cameron, Actor and Producer
Scripture promises, ‘No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man’ (1 Corinthians 10:13 NASB1995). Nevertheless, certain temptations assault men today with a frequency and ferocity that our ancestors did not face. The internet and other media relentlessly push vivid content designed only to appeal to the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. The devil, the world, and our own carnal desires collude to try to gain mastery over us and hold us under sin’s power. This is where spiritual warfare is most real and most dangerous. Men today more than ever need to take a militant stance against these temptations, armed with the full panoply of spiritual armor. We must be ruthlessly aggressive in the war against sin—not merely to tame or manage it but to mortify it completely. E.Z. understands the urgency of this need, and he has written this remarkably practical, helpful, and encouraging call to arms for men under siege.
—Phil Johnson, Executive Director of Grace to You, Radio Host
I believe beyond any doubt that the Bible has proven to be more relevant than tomorrow’s breaking news. The Word of God holds the answers to every situation of life. Emeal ‘E.Z.’ Zwayne has masterfully woven together profound insights, practical guidance, and unwavering biblical truth to illuminate the often-challenging journey toward sexual purity. Grounded in the timeless teachings of Scripture, this publication serves as a beacon of hope and a road map for those seeking to live a life in accordance with God’s design.
—Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
Sadly, today’s males who are voyeuristically seeking to feel like men while staring into their electronic screens are in fact stripping away their masculinity one click and fantasy at a time. E.Z.’s insightful and forthright approach to tackling the variety of expressions of this private struggle with illicit lusts provides the biblical light and spiritual equipment for men to fight this good fight of faith in their sanctification. Read this book and make sure it is utilized far and wide to help today’s Christian males become real men.
—Dr. Mike Fabarez, Senior Pastor of Compass Bible Church
This book is a weapon that should hang on every man’s spiritual wall. With his inimitable passion and creative flare, E.Z. provides a tremendous resource to battle the life-destroying sins of lust, pornography, and adultery. Through heartfelt narratives and practical insights, this book emphasizes the paramount importance of purity and guides readers toward building meaningful, lasting, and God-honoring relationships.
—Dr. Tony Wood, Pastor-Teacher of Mission Bible Church
Lust breeds despair—but the gospel produces hope. That’s the truth that pulses like an uncontained electrical current through this biblical, spiritual, and, dare I say, fun book from Emeal ‘E.Z.’ Zwayne. E.Z.’s mind is so lively that he offers us men numerous thought devices and helpful mnemonics by which to kill sin and glorify Christ. Here is a book we have been waiting for and greatly needing. It will strengthen us to say a joyful yes to Jesus but a firm NOPE to temptation.
—Dr. Owen Strachan, Provost and Research Professor of Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary