Powerful resource for use in churches, schools, pregnancy centers, pro-life venues, and many others!
- Shares the hope of the gospel and forgiveness through Jesus Christ
- Hyperrealistic, life-size images
- Detailed baby growth timeline from conception to birth
- Challenges readers with the truth about the unborn using the Bible and science
- Sturdy removable and reusable vinyl with self-adhesive backing
Visit the Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Exhibit
Since its unveiling, the new Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit has been touching hearts and changing lives. This powerful walk-through experience reveals the miraculous development of babies in the womb and shows that both the Bible and science confirm that a baby’s life begins at fertilization. Tens of thousands of guests have already come through this one-of-a-kind Creation Museum display.
Showing the God-ordained process of children maturing in the womb, this exhibit tenderly reveals that every baby at every stage is fully human and made in God’s image. Just as God is using the exhibit at the Creation Museum to save babies and bring healing to women who are victims of abortion, we pray that this valuable tool will help you point others to God’s gift of life and the gift of eternal life that he offers to all who repent and believe.
See all Fearfully & Wonderfully Made Gifts and Apparel