Creation to Babel, Genesis 1:1, and 7 C's of History Pack

List Price: $47.97
$29.99 Sale
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Ages: Teens – Adults
  • ID: 1005939
  • SKU: 91-7-737
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

These two DVDs are an excellent complement to Ken Ham’s unique commentary for families, Creation to Babel.

What’s Included $48 value

  • Creation to Babel

    There has never been a commentary like this one—it's unique in the world! Ken Ham has been asked many questions about Genesis—and he answers them in this commentary on Genesis 1–11!

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  • Genesis 1:1

    Enjoy this candid presentation as author/speaker Ken Ham shares heartfelt concerns with a small group of pastors.

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  • 7 C’s of History

    Do you know the seven key events of the Bible—from Creation to the second coming of Christ? Do you long for an easy-to-understand overview of the Bible that can be summarized in less than one hour? That is what the 7C’s of History DVD is all about.

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