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Christ, Cross, and Consummation Tract

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  • Format: PDF
  • Dimensions:
  • Length: 14 pages
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2018
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-4-106
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

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This Christ, Cross, and Consummation tract will help you share the most important message in the world, the gospel. Who is Jesus? Where will you spend Eternity? You’ll find answers along with unique and stunning artwork from the Creation Museum exhibit.


Where will you spend Eternity?

The eternal destiny of every person is dependent upon his or her relationship to Jesus Christ. Those who remain in unbelief, rejecting His completed work on the Cross, sacrificial death, and Resuurrection from the dead, will suffer eternally in the lake of fire. All who repent of their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting in His sacrificial death and Resurrection, will enjoy everlasting life with their Creator and Savior.

For more information, visit CreationMuseum.org/gospel.

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