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CAP 101 - Fundamentals of Creation Apologetics (Answers Education Online)

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  • Format: Online Course
  • Dimensions:
  • Technicality: Layman
  • Grade: 10 - Adult
  • ID: None
  • SKU: 90-2-647
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

This 8-lesson online course will give you a firm foundation in the fundamental ideas of creation apologetics and help you understand the battle between the authority of Scripture and the authority of man in modern culture.


Fundamentals of Creation Apologetics

This course will arm you with knowledge and resources to help you engage the culture with the truth of Scripture and will review the scriptural foundation that refutes those who compromise Scripture by espousing ideas like progressive creation and theistic evolution.

CAP 101 overview


  • The relevance of creation to the gospel
  • The incompatibility of evolution and the Bible
  • Biblical and scientific support for a recent, six-day creation
  • How to use logic to defend your faith
  • Compromise in Christian doctrine
  • Implications of death before sin
  • The relationship between Genesis and the rest of the Bible
  • The 7 C’s of biblical history


  • Online quizzes
  • Online videos
  • Reading assignments that will engage and equip you

Goals and Outcomes

Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

  • State reasons for a literal interpretation of the Genesis account of Creation.
  • State why an evolutionary worldview is inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible.
  • Use principles of logic to expose and avoid invalid arguments.
  • State the importance of sin preceding death.
  • Explain inconsistencies in compromise theories such as the gap theory, progressive creationism, and theistic evolution.
  • Use other passages from the Bible to confirm the Genesis account of creation and Genesis as literal history.
  • Answer questions from skeptics on biblical authority and scientific validity of biblical creation.
  • Defend the authority of the Bible.
  • Be ready to give a defense for the hope of eternal life found in Jesus Christ alone.
  • Share the gospel with confidence.


  • A digital certificate of completion will be awarded to those finishing the course with a final score of 75% or higher.
  • In addition, ACSI teachers who pass the course can receive 2 ACSI-accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs). (Register for the course with CEUs if you would like to receive them.)
  • Students should expect to spend 4–6 hours per lesson watching the videos, reading the articles, and taking the quiz. Complete the coursework at your own pace within six months.
  • This course is a self-directed learning experience and does not provide instructor feedback.
  • Parents or teachers seeking to use this course for high school credit can consider this the equivalent of one-half semester of social studies credit.

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