- Format: MP3
- Dimensions:
- Technicality: Layman
- Ages: All ages
- Publisher:
Answers in Genesis
- Published: 2004
- ID: None
- SKU: 90-6-343
- UPC:
- Includes optional English subtitles
These digital downloads are included:
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love CD Cover
- 1.4 MB)
for any device with Adobe Reader.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Lyric Sheet
- 1.2 MB)
for any device with Adobe Reader.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Slowly
- 5.4 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Never Ending Love
- 5.4 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Black Powder Rifle
- 5.3 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Harvest (Instrumental)
- 3.0 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): You're My Best Friend
- 5.3 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): It Must Be Love
- 4.9 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): At the Cross (Instrumental)
- 4.5 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Wild Side
- 5.3 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Mom
- 4.8 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Just As I Am (Instrumental)
- 5.2 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): A Little Bit of Kindness
- 3.5 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love (MP3's): Fall's A Beautiful Time
- 4.8 MB)
for all audio devices.
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These digital downloads are included:
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): It Must Be Love
- 4.9 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): Black Powder Rifle
- 5.3 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): Mom
- 4.8 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): Slowly
- 5.4 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): Wild Side
- 5.3 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): Never Ending Love
- 5.4 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): A Little Bit of Kindness
- 3.5 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): You're My Best Friend
- 5.3 MB)
for all audio devices.
Buddy Davis: Never Ending Love Background Vocals (MP3's): Fall's A Beautiful Time
- 4.8 MB)
for all audio devices.
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- Add the digital item to your cart.
- Enter your email address during checkout delivery step.
- Check your email or account page to access your new digital download!
To gift a digital download, just enter the recipient’s email address during the checkout delivery step.
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Never Ending Love includes songs you'll want to share with your special sweatheart. A great Valentine's day gift or for any day you want to celebrate the sanctity of marriage. Includes the song Black Powder Rifle
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Songs of Romance and Commitment in Marriage
Loaded with story songs about the importance of commitment in marriage and family relationships, you’ll find encouragement and inspiration in the variety of fun and romantic songs by this multi-talented AiG artist Buddy Davis. Order now or listen to the samples below!
Produced to help strengthen the family and to celebrate the sanctity of marriage, which God ordained. They are gifts from the Creator.
"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be as one flesh." Ephesians 5:31
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Buddy Davis was a popular speaker, singer, songwriter, author, adventurer, and paleoartist with the Bible-upholding ministry of Answers in Genesis. Buddy sculpted about 70 dinosaur models, many of which are featured at AiG’s popular Creation Museum in N. Kentucky. He recorded more than a dozen CDs, performed numerous concerts at the Creation Museum, written several books, and produced several adventure videos now shown on the Answers TV streaming platform. After dealing with serious medical issues for three years, Buddy went home to the Lord in August 2024.