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Buddy Davis' Amazing Adventures 6-DVD Combo

Featuring Buddy Davis
List Price: $59.94
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  • Format: Pack
  • Dimensions: 5.25" x 7.5"
  • Ages: All ages
  • Publisher: Answers in Genesis
  • Published: 2021
  • ID: 1005962
  • SKU: 91-7-076
  • ISBN:
  • UPC:

Now you can join adventurer Buddy Davis on six exciting adventures: kayaking among ice bergs, a trek through beautiful Alaska, an amazing world beneath the earth, a dinosaur dig in the Badlands of Montana, a journey through the everglades, and walking with lions. This real-life dinosaur researcher inspires kids with his solid creation teaching and infectious passion for the gospel.

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Buddy Davis

Buddy Davis

Buddy Davis was a popular speaker, singer, songwriter, author, adventurer, and paleoartist with the Bible-upholding ministry of Answers in Genesis. Buddy sculpted about 70 dinosaur models, many of which are featured at AiG’s popular {% get_urls 19875 alt="Creation Museum" %} in N. Kentucky. He recorded more than a dozen CDs, performed numerous concerts at the Creation Museum, written several books, and produced several adventure videos now shown on the Answers TV streaming platform.

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