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    The Heavens: A Different View

    The universe is so vast; it will take your breath away. Only an all-powerful, imaginative Creator could make something so immeasurable, complex, and orderly. The Heavens: A Different View gives us a glimpse of God’s majesty revealed in His creation.

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  • Falling Flat
    Falling Flat

    There are people in the world today who believe the world is flat. And they are working very hard to convince everyone else that it’s flat – even if it means distorting the truth to do it. Read this book and get the facts regarding the flat earth fallacy.

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  • The Expanse of Heaven
    The Expanse of Heaven

    In this unique book, Dr. Danny Faulkner gives an application of the biblical model of creation to the science of astronomy.

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  • The Created Cosmos
    The Created Cosmos

    This cutting-edge book investigates what the Bible has to say about astronomical objects and phenomena.

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