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The most common reason an email is not received from the bookstore is due to communication being blocked by a firewall or ISP. The emails may have been filtered into your email program’s junk folder as well. Please check your settings—ensure communication from AnswersInGenesis.org is approved.
You can request another verification email from your account page.
To log in, simply click Sign in/register at the top right of any store page.
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Your password can be changed from your account page. From there, click the "Edit my information" button.
While logged in, you can access your account page from any page in the store. Simply click your user ID, which will appear in the header.
Your email address can be changed from your account page.
While logged in, you can access your account page from any page in the store. Simply click your user ID, which will appear in the header.
This information can be changed from your account page.
While logged in, you can access your account page from any page in the store. Simply click your user ID, which will appear in the header.
Yes. This information can be accessed from your account page. Just choose the "Order History" option from the account menu. Alternately, you can use the "Order History" link in the footer of the store.
Special charges apply to bulk cases which are sold at significant savings per item. We are unable to provide free economy shipping for these deeply discounted items.
Note: Free shipping is for contiguous US addresses only.
For contiguous US addresses, free economy shipping is available when at least the minimum amount of merchandise is being shipped together. The following items do not apply towards the minimum:
Yes, we have a mail-in option available. Begin by following the standard checkout steps. When you reach the final step of the checkout process, click the radio button beside “Check / Money Order” to specify this method of payment and then finish placing your order. After your order has been placed, you will be given an order confirmation page that contains a printable receipt page link. Click this link, print the resulting page, and mail it with your check or money order to Answers in Genesis, PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048.
Your order will be delivered within the timeframe defined by your chosen shipping option. For the exact details of your chosen shipping option, please read our delivery policy.
Promotional codes and offers may not be combined with any automatically applied bulk discounts. Products with bulk discounts are sold at significant savings per item. We are unable to provide additional savings for these discounted items.
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Visit https://answersingenesis.org/store/magazine/subscribe/ and signup for either a digital only or print+digital subscription.
Yes, simply log in to your Answers in Genesis account, or create an account if you haven’t already done so. Then go to My Account and choose Digital Magazine from the menu on the far left. You will have access to both an Answers magazine and a Kids Answers mini magazine for free, no matter what your subscription status.
Offline viewing is available. Download the PDF of an issue using the download icon in the top menu within each digital magazine.
Please note that this feature is not available for all issues of the magazine due to an ongoing software conversion, but all issues will soon be updated to include this feature.
Access the digital magazine by logging into your Answers in Genesis account, or creating an account if you haven’t already done so. Next, go to My Account and choose Digital Magazine from the menu on the far left. This digital magazine page lists the magazine issues available to you. If you do not have a subscription, you will still be able to access sample magazines. Click on the magazine issue that you would like to read. Internet connectivity is required.
You can turn pages and scroll through the magazine, similar to reading a printed copy.
Customize your magazine experience using the top drop-down menu to change settings, add bookmarks, download a PDF copy, and more. Click on icons throughout the magazine to access subscriber extras while enjoying online interactivity.
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After you purchase digital media, you will be able to download the files from your account page.
Generally, you will need to download the file to your computer, and then transfer it to your device. Some devices will allow you to download digital media directly, without copying it to your computer first. General instructions for common devices are listed below. (Note that many readers do not support fixed-layout EPUB format. If you purchase one of our fixed-layout eBooks, you will need to use a compatible reader. See "How do I read fixed-layout EPUB format eBooks?" for more information.)
iPad / iPhone:
Amazon also provides other methods to transfer your content without connecting your Kindle to your computer. You can get more information here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/sendtokindle.
Windows or Mac Computer:
To read ebooks on your computer, you will need to have an ereader program installed. One option that is available for free is Adobe Digital Editions. It can read EPUB format ebooks. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac, and can be downloaded from here: https://www.adobe.com/solutions/ebook/digital-editions.html.
Once Adobe Digital Editions is installed, you can simply download the EPUB file to your computer. You can drag-and-drop a downloaded ebook onto Adobe Digital Editions to add it to your library, or double-click it to open it in the reader.
Most ebooks use a flexible layout that adjusts to fit the screen of the computer or device being used to read them. However, in some cases, such as children's books and some scientific books, the layout needs to be preserved. The fixed-layout EPUB format allows eBooks to preserve the page layout of the printed book. Not all ereader programs and devices cannot read this format.
In order to read any of our eBooks that are designated as "fixed-layout," you will need to use a compatible reader. Examples of free fixed-layout EPUB readers for various platforms are below:
Depending on your browser's configuration, it may attempt to play the video rather than download it. To bypass your browser’s configurations to play the video, follow these steps.
This is typical behavior for Internet Explorer. Follow these steps to retrieve your video download.
The most common reason an email is not received from the bookstore is due to communication being blocked by a firewall or ISP. The emails may have been filtered into your email program’s junk folder as well. Please check your settings—ensure communication from AnswersInGenesis.org is approved.
The easiest way to find a specific item is by using our powerful search engine, located at the top, right-hand side of the store. You can enter in any defining information about the item: author, partial title, format, keywords, etc. If you still are unable to find what you are looking for, please send us an email. We may not carry the item, but would like to know what our customers are interested in.
Yes we do. Answers in Genesis has teamed up with ShareASale to offer an affiliate program so that you can earn commission from your website. For more information and to sign up, visit our affiliate marketing page
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Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.