As I look back on the year, it sadly appears that society is more and more abandoning God’s Word.
As I look back on the year, it sadly appears that society is more and more abandoning God’s Word. I truly believe that one of the primary reasons for this situation is that our culture (and the church) has been so receptive to evolution/billions of years-and thus is inoculated against God’s Word as trustworthy in every area.
In response, AiG has been a reliable lighthouse of truth. Thousands now depend regularly upon AiG to get the answers to support their faith. As a ministry, AiG often does so at no charge (e.g. the free material on our popular Web site) or “at cost”:
AiG is having an impact throughout the nation and world. We would not be able to do any of these outreaches without God using financial and prayer support.
I believe you agree that AiG is a ministry that should expand its Bible-upholding outreaches. Please consider a year-end gift-of any size-to begin a new year of outreach. Your tax-deductible gift will help people know that God’s Word can be trusted-from the beginning!
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.