Answers in Genesis Seeks to Equip Christians with Resources

by Ken Ham on October 22, 2012
Featured in Letter from Ken

We face many challenges as AiG steps out and takes advantage of new technologies that allow AiG to proclaim the creation/gospel message.

I have very exciting news for you! I think it’s something you’ll want to read about.

As you know, we live in a rapidly changing world—technologically but also spiritually.

At Answers in Genesis, we believe we need to do our utmost to keep up on cutting-edge technology, so we can use new ways to reach as many people as possible. At the same time, we need to keep up with what’s happening in the spiritual arena as the Enemy tries to turn people against the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.

In many ways, that technology effort is quite challenging! For one, we don’t have the millions of dollars that many secular companies have. We just can’t afford to employ as many technology-savvy staff as the Disney Animation studios or Pixar!

Yet, the Lord has called many talented and dedicated Christians to a vital creation/gospel mission at AiG. We also know that “without faith, it is impossible to please God.

So, I want to announce some news for you—very exciting news. We pray that as you understand what our staff at AiG is accomplishing, you will also pray about stepping out in faith with us to go to the next level—as we work together for the sake of proclaiming the most important life-changing message of all time: reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing them saved for eternity.

We face many challenges as AiG steps out and takes advantage of new technologies that allow AiG to proclaim the creation/gospel message. We live on the edge financially every day. But I’m reminded that God promised to supply our needs (Philippians 4:19), and we have seen Him faithfully do that for 18 years. I’ve witnessed the Lord supply our needs for over 30 years ever since I resigned as a school teacher in 1979 to begin the biblical creation apologetics ministry in our home in Australia.

To be candid, at times I wondered if the ministry would ever survive as we struggled in many ways.

With this letter, I am ecstatic to be able to tell you that our small, talented, and dedicated staff has stepped out in faith to accomplish the following exciting things:

New Mobile App

Next month, we will be launching a new mobile app for the iPhone and Android smart phones. Then a couple of months later, the app will be web-based so it can be used by any smart phone! Wow! This is huge! This new app will include features such as the following:

  1. Quick biblical and scientific answers (adapted from our pocket guides)
  2. Easy access to digital videos and books
  3. Digital witnessing tools (think “digital tracts”)
  4. Latest articles, blogs, and more

New Web Store

Our web team has been working very hard at completing a total website redesign. This huge effort will take place over the next few months, but this month, we released the first part of this redesign—the improvements to our web store include the following:

  1. A new clean design with added support for smart phones and tablets (like iPads)
  2. New website architecture from the ground up, to prepare us for the future
  3. Enlarged product images to better see what you’re browsing on our website
  4. Many other new features that make our resources easier to find, learn more about, and then purchase

The True Account of Adam and Eve

Before I mention our exciting “new” book, I need to point out how sad it is that an increasing number of Christian academics/leaders are rejecting a literal Adam, a literal Eve, and even a literal Fall—or they say those doctrines don’t matter.

My wife Mally said to me a few months ago, “I’m so concerned for our grandkids and what’s happening in the church. We need to do what we can to teach them the truth of God’s Word in Genesis.” Mally’s comment encouraged me to make sure we have something special for children as we come up to Christmas (and yes, I was thinking of our own grandchildren).

So I wrote a new children’s book titled The True Account of Adam and Eve. Our publisher, Master Books, had a talented artist illustrate this beautiful new book that teaches children (and parents) about the literal account of Genesis and the first two people. The book also teaches children about the origin of sin (a literal Fall) and that marriage is for one man and one woman! It is sad that we even need such a book for people in the church—but we do today!

Updated Edition of The Lie

In 1986, I wrote a book called The Lie that was then published in 1987. I put into writing what I call the “Relevance of Genesis” message—the core message of this ministry since its inception! The book has remained in print for 25 years and has sold over 450,000 copies. It’s the key resource the Lord used to help launch my ministry in the USA.

Because this year is the silver anniversary of the publication of this bestselling book, I spent the past few months updating and expanding what to me is the most important book of the many that I’ve written. The Lie presents the essence of the AiG ministry and the reason the Lord called me to bring a reformation message to the church in this time of history. I believe it’s a much more powerful resource today than the original edition.

I’m thrilled to report that the updated The Lie is available this month!

To help celebrate the occasion, our publisher has produced a special, limited-edition, hard-cover edition just for you, a ministry partner. (I’ll share more about that later.)

The Genius of Ancient Man

In addition, our board chairman and a team of researchers and artists have produced a one-of-a-kind, spectacular book titled The Genius of Ancient Man. Profusely illustrated, this new book will be an eye-opener for families in regard to the fascinating topic of how advanced the ancient people really were!

Answers Bible Curriculum

Close to my heart is the Answers Bible Curriculum! This Sunday school project was a major step of faith for AiG to undertake. This massive new curriculum is a unique three-year Bible program that is evangelistic, upholds biblical authority, and teaches apologetics for seven age groups (pre-school to adult). I am pleased to report that the first two quarters of the Answers Bible Curriculum are now complete and available—and already are getting rave reviews.

Of course, we steadfastly continue to develop the next several quarters of ABC, but it would greatly help us if we had more funds right now to capitalize on the recent momentum. Once it’s fully produced and available for sale, ABC will more than pay for itself. But you know the old adage, “it takes money to make money!”

Equipping Christians

All of the exciting developments above (as well as many other outreaches going on at AiG) are thrilling, and we know God will bless them to change hearts and lives—and revitalize churches. But frankly, they are not easy to accomplish. Day by day, AiG must carefully manage the limited funds we have, and at the same time, be prepared to step out in faith (responsibly) to offer resources that we believe are so vital in equipping Christians. There is a spiritual war going on around us, and people need to be equipped.

Right now, I would ask that you prayerfully consider how you can be an encouragement to us, including financially, as we carry on in the mission the Lord has called us to in this needy period of history. Thank you!


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