The 7 C’s are the foundational history that God has given us in his Word. They explain the world around us and provide the foundation for the rest of the Bible, the biblical worldview, and the gospel message.
The first four C’s are the history found in Genesis 1–11 and explain who we are, where we came from, why our world is broken, and so much more. It’s this history that explains what we see in sciences like biology (the study of life), anthropology (the study of man), geology (the study of rocks), paleontology (the study of fossils), astronomy (the study of the heavens), and more!
The last three C’s are the gospel message and the coming return of the Lord Jesus. It’s these C’s that give the answer to our sin problem and the hope for eternity.
Here are the 7 C’s:
Let’s go back to the beginning when the world was very good. What could have caused fossils to form?
Noah’s descendants disobeyed the Creator’s command to spread out and fill the earth after the great Flood.
The sons and daughters of Adam and Eve continued to turn their backs on their Creator and do their own thing.
God’s creation was perfect; there was no sickness, pain, or death. But this perfect creation did not last long.
The good news is that God loved the world so much that He sent Jesus, the Creator and Son of God, to earth.
Why are there so many different people? Why do we look so different?
The desire to disobey God began with the first people, Adam and Eve.
God made everything about 6,000 years ago, and it started out really good.
The Bible gives us true history!
God, in His great mercy, has promised to not leave His creation in its sinful state. He has promised to do away with the corruption Adam brought into the world.
The First Adam brought death into the world through his disobedience; the Last Adam (Jesus Christ) brought eternal life with God through His obedience.
Just as God has a purpose and plan for everything and everyone, so He sent His promised Saviour at just the right time.
After Noah and his family came off the Ark, God commanded them to spread out and fill the earth. But the descendants of Noah disobeyed God.
Because their hearts were wicked, they did things that displeased their Creator, including much violence.