But Why?

by Ken Ham on March 27, 2018
Featured in Answers Update

How—and why—is the family coming under increasingly aggressive attacks in America? Here are just some of the ways—and reasons:

Gay “Marriage” Actually, there’s no such thing as same-sex “marriage.” Marriage is a Christian institution God created when he made the first man and woman, Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:24). So-called gay (or same-sex) “marriage” is an attack on the family God instituted in Genesis.

Gender Issues Almost daily we read news stories about transgender controversies, sex-change operations, restroom-gender issues, and the like. This is all an attack on the basis of the family structure God designed and ordained in Genesis when he created the first man and woman—the first male and female (Genesis 1:27).

Feminism Much of the feminist movement pushes an idea of female superiority. When God created Adam and Eve, he created them in his image with equal value. God gave different roles to husband and wife—they are to submit to each other as they submit to God and the roles he ordained (Ephesians 5; Genesis 3:16, 17).

Abortion One of the primary reasons for marriage is to produce godly offspring (Malachi 2:15; Genesis 1:28). Not only is abortion the murder of a human being made in God’s image, but the act is destructive to the purpose of marriage and the family as ordained by God.

Evolution The teaching of molecules-to-man evolution and millions of years has sadly resulted in countless young people doubting the Word of God (including its teachings about the family) and eventually leaving the church. AiG published an eye-opening study of this youth exodus in my co-authored book Already Gone.

The devil knows that if he can get one generation to doubt and disbelieve God’s Word starting in Genesis, he can destroy one of the main purposes of the family: to pass on a spiritual legacy to the next generation and to the world.

There are many other attacks on the family. Frankly, it shouldn’t be all that surprising. You see, the family is the first and most fundamental of all human institutions God ordained. God created the family with the first man and woman (the first marriage), and he told them to be fruitful and multiply.

The family—especially a Christian family—is also the educational unit God uses to transmit a spiritual legacy to the next generation and to be a witness to the world. Throughout Scripture, we can find much practical teaching for us on training our children and passing on a godly legacy to the next generation (e.g., Deuteronomy 6; Joshua 4; Malachi 2; Ephesians 6).

Sadly, many families in the church have succumbed to attacks on the family and have compromised in various ways. This is one of the reasons AiG built the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter and why we hold special lectures and hands-on science programs for families. We want to help parents raise godly offspring who are equipped to withstand the attacks of this evil world.

This year, we are thrilled to offer yet another unique and powerful outreach for the whole family: the Equipping Families to Stand national conference in July. Right here in Northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati), your family can enjoy a spectacular vacation and experience a life-changing time.

It’s a one-of-a-kind family conference that will feature keynote sessions by special guest speakers Dennis and Barbara Rainey of FamilyLife along with your favorite AiG speakers. I will teach at some keynote sessions.

Equipping Families to Stand Conference

Lean more and register for this powerful, unique conference that will combine apologetics and Bible teaching on many aspects regarding the family.

Dennis and Barbara are popular speakers, talk show hosts, and highly respected teachers who will help you build your family through biblical teachings. For example, they will speak on “Life Skills for the Art of Parenting.”

This will be a powerful, unique conference that will combine apologetics and Bible teaching on many aspects regarding the family. AiG and FamilyLife have teamed up to produce a conference like nothing you have ever experienced.

Of course, ample time will be set aside for your family to tour the popular Creation Museum attraction. You can also visit the life-size Noah’s Ark (45 minutes away) and visit our expanding zoo behind the Ark.

During the conference, children and teens will enjoy live animal shows, a behind-the-scenes look at our museum petting zoo, camel rides, and much more. We’ll offer unique opportunities for most ages, including a Vacation Bible School program for children. This family conference will be like no other in the world!

Our early bird discount ends March 31, so register right away at AnswersOutreach.org.

Yes, in these challenging times, let’s do all we can to build families—as God intended them to be!


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