Bill Nye Gets Labeled “the Sellout Guy”

by Ken Ham on April 21, 2022
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

I often think back to my 2014 debate with Bill Nye at the Creation Museum and the “second debate” at the Ark Encounter in 2016, where I was able to present the gospel to Bill and challenge his atheistic beliefs. While I have been critical of his teaching on evolution and other topics, I still respect him and acknowledge his ability to make observational science easy to understand for kids and adults alike. Bill and I even exchanged Christmas gifts back in late 2014 and early 2015. Now in today’s cancel culture, disagreement is often labeled as “hate speech” and is met with an onslaught of personal attacks. This brings us to the point of the news item I recently saw.

Bill Nye recently did a voice-over for a three-minute animated infomercial, with Bill depicted in puppet form, discussing Coca-Cola’s new recycling campaign. Now Bill and I (again) may disagree on man-made climate change, but both of us would agree that recycling plastics (and aluminum, paper, and steel) are good things, whether from a secular view or from a biblical stewardship position. But because of the culture we live in now, some liberals are attacking Bill as a sellout.

Less pollution and less garbage are good things and represent environmental and biblical stewardship of resources.

The infomercial is fairly straightforward, discussing what happens to different materials when they go to various recycling centers. Bill explains that it is important to close the loop: in other words, to make (in this case) plastic bottles completely from recycled materials or to repurpose that plastic for other uses. This would help reduce plastic in the oceans and in landfills and would greatly lessen the need to create new plastic. Now we acknowledge that recycling plastic will never eliminate any new plastic being made, as recycling can only be done a limited number of times before it is unusable. But less pollution and less garbage are good things and represent environmental and biblical stewardship of resources.

But that’s just not good enough for the climate alarmists, who are vehemently opposed to Bill even thinking about (let alone) doing a commercial for Coca-Cola. The article uses such endearing terms as “Shill Nye the plastic guy” and “sellout guy” to disparage his involvement. They even question his motives and knowledge of recycling, basically saying he should “know better than this.” Why the tongue-lashing for Bill’s commercial? Because it’s not good enough or corporate-bashing enough.

According to the article,

If Coca-Cola was serious about a “world without waste,” as Nye says in the video, it would be innovating ways to sell products that use no plastic at all. And if Nye wants to really galvanize people on climate change, maybe he shouldn’t do promotional videos for one of the oil and gas industry’s most dedicated customers.

Now Bill and I have had debates on man-made climate change, but we didn’t resort to personal attacks against each other’s character. In fact, Scripture teaches us to “speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men” (Titus 3:2 NKJV). But some within the climate change community have now turned on one of their strongest advocates.

Perhaps Bill will now see that the radical climate change alarmists want nothing less than the elimination of all businesses that they deem “harmful” to the environment.

Perhaps Bill will now see that the radical climate change alarmists want nothing less than the elimination of all businesses that they deem “harmful” to the environment. And eventually that would cripple nations, cause massive inflation, bankrupt countries and individuals, and ultimately starve people. It’s obvious that Bill doesn’t agree with this destructive course of action, and he’s been castigated for that position. Maybe this will serve to remind Bill that the “science” is not settled and never will be. But there is a book that tells of someone much better to put your faith in—the Lord Jesus Christ.

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This item was discussed yesterday on Answers News. Answers News is our twice-weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience and broadcast on my Facebook page and the Answers in Genesis Facebook page. We also covered the following topics:

  • Rewinding evolution?
  • A “Reverse shock wave”?
  • Post-Christian religion?
  • And more!

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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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