Spurgeon Sermons

The works of Charles Spurgeon have inspired millions of Christians around the world for over a hundred years. His wisdom and insight into God’s Word and world have helped others discover the richness of Scripture. Answers in Genesis is pleased to present the text of a large collection of sermons from this 19th century “Prince of Preachers.”

  • Sermon
    3346. Resurrection for the Just and the Unjust
    Oct. 12, 2021

    My great purpose tonight, beloved, is to speak on the majestic fact that the just and the unjust are to live on in a resurrection state.

  • Sermon
    3345. Sunlight for Cloudy Days
    Oct. 11, 2021

    It is good to begin, continue, and end in this life with God’s favour, so that we may enjoy it world without end.

  • Sermon
    3344. Unanswered Prayer
    Oct. 8, 2021

    It is very clear to everyone who reads this Psalm that these are not so much the words of David as they are the words of David’s Son and David’s Lord, our blessed Master.

  • Sermon
    3343. “The Star out of Jacob”
    Oct. 7, 2021

    This prophecy may have some reference to David; but we feel persuaded that the true intention of the Holy Spirit is to present an emblem of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Sermon
    3342. Faith Seeing God’s Glory
    Oct. 6, 2021

    It is not every man whose deed is as good as his word, but of the Son of man, Christ Jesus, it may be said that whatever his lips have promised, his hands perform.

  • Sermon
    3341. “The Oil Of Joy for Mourning”
    Oct. 5, 2021

    Mourners in Zion ought to be doubly comforted, for here, in this gracious promise is a second gift of divine love for them, a second exchange of loss for gain.

  • Sermon
    3340. “Take Away the Frogs”
    Oct. 4, 2021

    In the case before us Jehovah has to deal with Pharaoh, and he humbles him by frogs. Strange! Exceptional!

  • Sermon
    3339. The Heart Perfumed
    Oct. 1, 2021

    It is not the preacher, neither is it the letter of this Book, but it is the Holy Spirit who most graciously comes there to shed abroad the love of God in your heart.

  • Sermon
    3338. The Witness of the Lord’s Supper
    Sept. 30, 2021

    The central thought of all of Christianity is Christ, and the great point in Christ’s history is his crucifixion.

  • Sermon
    3337. Ears Bored to the Door-Post
    Sept. 29, 2021

    Observe that sometimes the Hebrew servant, although free to go where he liked at the end of six years, would not go.

  • Sermon
    3336. Beauty for Ashes
    Sept. 28, 2021

    I would remind you that the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ related to mourners in Zion.

  • Sermon
    3335. The Divine Discipline
    Sept. 27, 2021

    The Israelites had for their guide, instructor, and tutor, in order to prepare them for Canaan, none other than Jehovah himself.

  • Sermon
    3334. Lovely, but Lacking
    Sept. 24, 2021

    Though the Gospel of Jesus Christ most certainly addresses itself to the vilest of the vile, it is not exclusively to such that the message of salvation is sent.

  • Sermon
    3333. God’s King Magnified
    Sept. 23, 2021

    You cannot hear of Jesus Christ without either getting a blessing or involving the responsibility of rejecting a blessing.

  • Sermon
    3332. The Dumb Become Singers
    Sept. 22, 2021

    What a difference grace makes whenever it enters the heart! The tongue of the dumb does not simply speak, but it sings.

  • Sermon
    3331. Knowing and Believing
    Sept. 21, 2021

    The text is entirely taken up with three things; namely, with knowing, with believing, and with the person who is known and believed.

  • Sermon
    3330. Two Choice Assurances
    Sept. 20, 2021

    I hope to be able to give you, beloved, some honey out of the rock, by dwelling on one or two choice, plain texts that speak their sweetness directly to the heart.

  • Sermon
    3329. Goodness Going Before
    Sept. 17, 2021

    When we speak of “preventing grace” we do not intend to describe the grace that keeps us from sin, but the grace which goes before our actually believing in Christ.

  • Sermon
    3328. Guests for the Royal Feast
    Sept. 16, 2021

    The terror of the royal power had been proven, but it still remained to display the splendour of the imperial hospitality.

  • Sermon
    3327. Our Lord’s Heroic Endurance
    Sept. 15, 2021

    If we regard the Christian as a racer contending in the great race, we see that he is subject to several dangers.

  • Sermon
    3326. The Wondrous Covenant
    Sept. 14, 2021

    It has been said that he who well understands the distinction between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace is a master of divinity.

  • Sermon
    3325. Solace for Sad Hearts
    Sept. 13, 2021

    Long live Jehovah the King! He issues the proclamation from his throne, and asks his Son to tell captive souls that Christ Jesus sets them free.

  • Sermon
    3324. Turning from Death
    Sept. 10, 2021

    Sinner, God speaks to you tonight out of his infinite mercy. He has no pleasure in your death.

Spurgeon Sermons

These sermons from Charles Spurgeon are a series that is for reference and not necessarily a position of Answers in Genesis. Spurgeon did not entirely agree with six days of creation and dives into subjects that are beyond the AiG focus (e.g., Calvinism vs. Arminianism, modes of baptism, and so on).

Terms of Use

Modernized Edition of Spurgeon’s Sermons. Copyright © 2010, Larry and Marion Pierce, Winterbourne, Ontario, Canada. Used by Answers in Genesis by permission of the copyright owner. The modernized edition of the material published in these sermons may not be reproduced or distributed by any electronic means without express written permission of the copyright owner. A limited license is hereby granted for the non-commercial printing and distribution of the material in hard copy form, provided this is done without charge to the recipient and the copyright information remains intact. Any charge or cost for distribution of the material is expressly forbidden under the terms of this limited license and automatically voids such permission. You may not prepare, manufacture, copy, use, promote, distribute, or sell a derivative work of the copyrighted work without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

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