Debunking Misconceptions About Creation

by Ken Ham on February 3, 2025
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

On a recent Answers News broadcast, three of our cohosts addressed an article that claimed to clear up 10 common “misconceptions about evolution.” To supposedly do that, the article basically just described natural selection over and over again and called it evolution. As I highlighted in my blog last week, we see that kind of equivocation consistently.

Well, since he shared 10 supposed misconceptions about evolution, I thought I’d share answers to 10 common misconceptions I hear about creation, what we teach as biblical creationists, or what Genesis teaches. Many of these misconceptions circulate through atheist circles or represent positions some Christians’ take on Genesis. In no particular order, here are 10 misconceptions about creation.

Many of these misconceptions circulate through atheist circles or represent positions some Christians take on Genesis.
  1. Creation is faith, but evolution is science. We hear this one a lot. But both creation and evolution are interpretations of the past. We can’t directly test, observe, or repeat the past, so both involve faith. Our faith is based on the eyewitness account of history from the Creator; evolutionists’ faith is based on their own wisdom. As I’ve always said, the issue isn’t the evidence—we all have the same evidence—the issue is the interpretation of the evidence from two different starting points.
  2. The world is the same now as it was originally. Just the other morning, someone responded to my post on X, mocking me as a “fraud” because I supposedly couldn’t answer how the kangaroos got from Australia to the ark. But we don’t believe the world today is the same as when God created it! First, creation was marred by sin and the curse (it’s no longer “very good”), and secondly, it was destroyed by a cataclysmic global flood that broke up the continents (before the flood, there was no Australia as we know it today) and laid down our rock layers and fossils. In order to understand why the world is the way it is today, we have to start with the Bible’s history.
  3. God created creatures exactly the way they are today. The Bible tells us God created creatures according to their kinds. That means the species we have today aren’t the creatures God originally made. He made “kinds” (which is around the level of “family” in modern classification), like the cat kind, the dog kind, the horse kind, and so on, originally. Over time, because of the genetic diversity God put into their DNA to adapt and fill the earth, these kinds formed different species. So yes, plants and animals change because of the genetic diversity God put into their original kinds, but what we never see is one kind changing into another kind.
  4. Noah couldn’t fit the animals on the ark. Because of the silly “bathtub” arks that people are used to seeing, many people believe the ark was small and that millions of creatures needed to squeeze into it. But the ark was a massive ship (the length of one and a half football fields), and Noah only needed two of every kind of land-dwelling, air-breathing animal (seven pairs of some) on board. That’s less than 7,000 individual animals! There was plenty of space.
  5. God used the big bang to create. Many Christians believe the big bang “proves” God started everything. But God did not use the big bang. This naturalistic model for the origin of the universe directly contradicts the biblical account, particularly the order of the days of creation. For example, it has the stars and sun before the earth, while the Bible’s history has the earth before the stars and sun.
  6. The order in the fossil record proves evolution. Again we come back to the issue of interpretation. Evolutionists interpret the relative order in the fossil record as a record of life through the eons. But we interpret the same “order” as evidence of the flood rising and burying successive ecosystems. Rather than different eons, separated by millions of years of history, this “order” represents different ecosystems being successively buried by the raging waters of the flood.
  7. Creationists can’t do real science. Many of the earliest pioneers of science were Bible-believing Christians. And so are many scientists today! And they do real science. Many work side-by-side with evolutionists in labs doing observational science that has nothing to do with evolution or millions of years. Others are active in creation research, doing real science and making real discoveries using the biblical framework. You can see that research in our Answers Research Journal.
  8. All we care about is the age of the earth. Our belief in a young earth and creation are consequences of our stand on biblical authority. They aren’t the “main thing”—our focus has always been, and by God’s grace always will be, biblical authority. The positions we take are just the result of our commitment to God’s Word.
  9. The days in Genesis could be millions of years. Many Christians believe in millions of years, but any attempt to add long ages into the Bible puts millions of years of death, suffering, and disease before sin. And yet we’re clearly told that death is the punishment for sin and God’s original creation was “very good.” You can’t add millions of years into the Bible!
  10. Creation is just a side issue. I can’t count how many times over the years I’ve heard someone tell me that creation is just a side issue that doesn’t really matter. But did you know all of our major Christian doctrines are founded in the history in Genesis? It’s the foundation for our biblical worldview, the gospel, and, well, everything! What we believe about Genesis matters.

    And it’s also an issue of biblical authority: will we start with God’s Word and allow him to be the authority, or will we start with man’s word and reinterpret God’s clear Word in light of man’s ideas? We must allow God’s Word to be our authority in all areas.

And there you have it—10 common misconceptions about creation answered for you! If you want to learn more about the supposed misconceptions about evolution, and how we respond, you can watch our Answers News cohosts discuss that article in the video below.

Get More Answers on Answers News

This item was discussed Monday on Answers News with cohosts Dr. Tim Chaffey, Rob Webb, and Avery Foley. Answers News is our weekly news program filmed live before a studio audience here at the Creation Museum, broadcast on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel, and posted to Answers TV. We also covered the following topics:

  • Most Americans don’t want men in women’s sports.
  • Have scientists traced snow leopard evolution?
  • Will whales ever walk?
  • And more!

Watch the entire episode of Answers News for January 29, 2025.

Be sure to join us each Wednesday at 2 p.m. (ET) on YouTube or later that day on Answers TV for Answers News. You won’t want to miss this unique news program that gives science and culture news from a distinctly biblical and Christian perspective.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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