Countering Woke Culture with Biblical Truth

by Ken Ham on February 17, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

How can you make your families and churches “woke-proof”? Wokeness, and everything that stems from this philosophy, is incredibly destructive to people, to families, and to communities. But there’s a simple solution—and it starts in Genesis! For today’s blog post, enjoy this insightful letter from our Executive CEO Martyn Iles:

The person who understands and believes Genesis 1–11 is woke-proof.

Such is the enduring relevance of Genesis. It has the blueprints every generation needs.

Consider the focal points of woke ideologies—race, LGBTQ, identity, environmentalism, marriage, gender, abortion, truth, power—time and time again, the answers are in Genesis.

This is because “woke” culture is an attack on the way God ordered and designed creation.

To be “woke” simply means to be awake. Awake to what? Awake to all the kinds of oppression in society that used to go unnoticed because they are hidden in the “system” we’re living in.

But what is the “system” which is so oppressive? Well, woke ideologies say that things like marriage are part of this system of oppression, or the gender binary, “heteronormativity,” the ethnicities of people, and so on.

They actually think that we can destroy these realities and be less oppressed as a result!

But these realities are not “systemic oppressions.” These realities are just, well, reality! They are God’s creation design and order.

Thus, woke culture is an attack on creation.

Hence, the answers are in Genesis, because Genesis 1–11 is about God’s design and order in creation. It specifically addresses the things that wokeness attacks.

Right now, there is a wave of compromise sweeping the Western world, including America, on all these woke issues.

Right now, there is a wave of compromise sweeping the Western world, including America, on all these woke issues. A generation is being taken out of the church, believing Christianity is bigoted, hateful, and oppressive because it believes in God’s creation order and design.

This woke critique is causing pastors to compromise and the world around us to reject the Christian faith.

But Genesis shows us the connection between how things are made and how we must therefore live. It answers this woke critique by describing realities—like males and females, the fact of only one “race,” and so forth—and then showing that these realities hold the key to understanding our world and living wisely.

Genesis shows that the very things wokeness attacks are for our good!

Genesis shows that the very things wokeness attacks are for our good!

For the past five years, I have been teaching Australian young people about the connection between Genesis and the woke ideas they are being confronted with. This teaching always had a major impact on them and fortified them in their faith.

Seventy of these young folks have just visited the Ark Encounter to participate in our brand-new, 10-day Catalyst program. They came all the way from Australia just to be there.

Young people are hungry for answers. We’d like to build more housing so that we can run these programs year-round—the demand from around the world is huge.

But Catalyst is only the beginning.

Answers in Genesis is going to focus on equipping this generation with the answers they need to confront the woke era in many ways.

Consider the issue of identity, which is a huge concern these days. People are asking “who am I?” with no reference to objective truth—whether that be the gospel, the Word of God, or the scientific facts about how we are made. They are left to be governed by their feelings, looking to their sinful hearts for meaning.

This identity question not only leads people into a false view of themselves and of life but is also the basis for identity politics and so much woke activism.

We are addressing this at Answers in Genesis.

Right now, our exhibit designers are planning out an identity exhibit at the Creation Museum. It will be near the world-class Fearfully and Wonderfully Made pro-life exhibit.

  • Identity exhibit

    Renderings of the planned Creation Museum identity exhibit

  • Identity exhibit

    Renderings of the planned Creation Museum identity exhibit

  • Identity exhibit

    Renderings of the planned Creation Museum identity exhibit

  • Identity exhibit

    Renderings of the planned Creation Museum identity exhibit

The identity exhibit will be tailored for younger people, addressing the many false ideas the world is advancing on the subject. It will explain how humans were made, according to Genesis, in God’s image, with the breath of life. It will go on to show that our “true self” is fallen in sin, needing salvation. Of course, the Lord Jesus Christ offers that salvation and is able to restore God’s fallen image-bearers to radiantly glorify him again.

And just before Christmas, I finished writing a book on identity. This will come out in March (and I have a special offer to share later in this letter).

This book will show how there are several pieces to the identity puzzle revealed in the Bible, addressing eight of them: we are made by God, from the dust, to bear God’s image, with God-breathed life, with dominion, male and female. But we are also fallen in Adam’s image and able to be restored in Christ’s image.

This new book is also being adapted into a children’s picture book and another edition specifically for 8–12-year-olds.

Meanwhile, AiG speakers/authors Bryan Osborne and Patricia Engler are also finishing new books. Bryan will shortly release a book on Critical Race Theory, and Patricia’s book will be on Cultural Marxism.

There really are a lot of answers in Genesis!

During 2024, I will be examining the various parts of the Answers in Genesis ministry to ensure that we are teaching all the answers in Genesis everywhere we can—from science and history to the social and moral issues that challenge this woke generation. This will include our attractions, publications, online content, and research.

You can be sure of one thing—Answers in Genesis will never, ever, ever go woke because Genesis 1–11 has the answers!

Lately, I have been troubled by the subtle creep of woke ideas and woke compromise right across the world, including the Christian world. We need a strong and authoritative voice, equipping this generation with the confidence to stand against such compromise.

I believe Answers in Genesis is one such voice.

In Australia, I even found that teaching on these issues led many to come to Christ. They are hungry for truth. When they find it in God’s Word, they find the gospel, too.

Wouldn’t it be great if God can use us to refute these lies, teach truth instead, equip a generation to stand, and save souls?

Your gift sent today will enable us to begin 2024 with a strong platform and a bold plan to woke-proof many people, especially young people.

Thank you for standing with us. Your prayerful and financial support is such an encouragement!

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