Just a glance at the recent news headlines in America reveals there’s a national crisis continuing to unfold—a racism crisis. How should we as believers respond?
Well, earlier this week, I used a normal 30-minute morning meeting to address the national crisis on racism with the AiG staff. I wanted to remind them of the powerful impact our attractions, the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, as well as the Answers in Genesis ministry can have on people as we give biblical and scientific answers to deal with this sad situation. And I want you to have these answers, too.
In 30 minutes, I summarized what I have been teaching on this topic since the 1970s, including what I’ve written in books such as One Race One Blood. I also addressed the hypocrisy in the culture in regard to Darwin’s shocking teaching (e.g., in his The Descent of Man) that fueled and continues to fuel racism. And I also used the current situation with how people want to erase history as an example to confront and challenge much of the church and Christian institutions who have erased the history God has revealed in Genesis chapters 1–11. This erasure of biblical history (a rejection of a literal Genesis) has resulted in an exodus from the church and generations that are secularized and permeated with moral relativism.
We must understand the real nature of the problem and not just try to treat the symptom.
Yes, we do recognize there have been terrible injustices committed in the past and shocking racism and prejudice that still continue. But there is an answer to how to deal with this sad situation. We must understand the real nature of the problem and not just try to treat the symptoms. In fact, the church should have been leading the way in regard to dealing with racism, and during my short presentation, I explained why I believe this is so—and I challenged the church to get back to God’s Word and deal with this issue correctly.
I encourage you to watch and share this powerful teaching with others.
As I shared in my video above, I’ve been deeply concerned about this issue for decades and have taught the true history in God’s Word that we’re all one race, going back to Adam and Eve, since the 1970s in Australia when I had to consider the ways Australian aborigines had been terribly mistreated. We continue to apply biblical history and truth to this issue with unique and powerful exhibits at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.
As our culture struggles to properly address the sin of racism, let’s lead the way in pointing people to the only lasting solution—the Lord Jesus Christ and the history found in God’s Word.
It’s sad that I’ve never been able to get the secular media interested at all in such exhibits at both attractions (yes, we have contacted the media) as I really believe they don’t want people to know what the Bible teaches about racism and the true origin of the people groups. But we also have books and videos that address this important issue. You can watch some of these videos, recorded at our One Blood One Race conference last year, on Answers.tv. For a limited time, enjoy these presentations for free simply by going to Answers.tv (no subscription required). But to have unlimited access to these videos, and hundreds more (including others on this important topic), subscribe to Answers.tv.
As our culture struggles to properly address the sin of racism, let’s lead the way in pointing people to the only lasting solution—the Lord Jesus Christ and the history found in God’s Word.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
I thought I’d share answers to 10 common misconceptions I hear about creation, what we teach as biblical creationists, or what Genesis teaches.
A recent survey found that nearly 8 in 10 Americans (79%) don’t believe “trans-identified male athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.