Answers in Genesis Website and Answers Magazine Win Awards

by Ken Ham on May 8, 2020
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

The Evangelical Press Association (EPA) recently announced the winners of awards in a variety of categories, and the Answers in Genesis website, my blog, and our magazine, Answers, placed in several categories.

The Answers in Genesis website won an Award of Merit in the “Christian Ministry (Digital)” category. Our web teams work very hard to craft a website that is easy to navigate and that looks contemporary and very professional. This Award of Merit recognizes their hard work in creating a beautiful website to enhance the quality of the content we write and produce. So congratulations to our web teams for their excellent and merit-worthy work!

Some of the content we create also won awards. An article series on plant communication by staff writer Harry Sanders placed fourth in the article series category of the “Higher Goals” awards. One of my blog posts, “The Fetal Heartbeat Isn’t the Issue,” placed fifth under “Blog: Single Post” and my blog in general was third in “Blog: Website.”

Our magazine, Answers, which has won several awards over the years, including a top-level Award of Excellence last year, placed eight times in the 2020 categories. See all the awards below.

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Congratulations to everyone who works so hard to create a magazine that looks amazing and is filled with content that encourages and equips believers to think biblically and have answers for our day. Congratulations to all our staff who enable the AiG ministry to impact lives around the world for the Lord Jesus Christ through its website, publications, attractions, offices, events, and many other outreaches.

You can subscribe to the powerful and award-winning family magazine at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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