Gear up for the Coming School Year with Answers Education Online

by Ken Ham on May 30, 2017

Our children are growing up in a world that is increasingly hostile to the message that the Bible is authoritative in all areas—including morality, theology, history, and science. They need to be equipped with answers to defend the faith, the gospel, and the authority of God’s Word, especially as they finish high school and plan for higher education. Well, with one of our Answers Education Online classes, you can bring some of AiG’s best resources into your home for your high school student.

These online classes equip your young person to think biblically and defend the truth of God’s Word. Classes focus on topics such as

  • the authority of Scripture
  • the creation/evolution debate
  • how science confirms the truth of Scripture
  • a biblical worldview
  • apologetics
  • sharing the gospel with boldness and love

We’ve been updating our online classes and currently have our “Foundations in Creation Apologetics” course available for registration. Summer would be a great time in particular for students to keep their mind sharp with this self-paced course and be prepared to take on the challenges of a new academic year when summer vacation ends. In the near future, we’ll offer specialized classes looking at creation apologetics and the Bible, biology, geology, and astronomy.

Not Just for High Schoolers

But these courses aren’t just for high schoolers. They are a great resource for any believer who wants to be equipped with answers. We’ve found that pastors, Sunday school teachers, public and Christian schoolteachers, and parents benefit from the solid answers they can pass along to their congregation, class, or family. Perhaps consider taking one or more of these courses with your high schooler—you’ll receive 20% off enrollment when you sign up other family members from the same household. Taking these courses is like taking Introductory Creation & Bible Apologetics 101!

Learn more (including how to get college credit for each completed class!) and register at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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