I enjoy meeting people at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum—you never know who you’ll meet next! Recently, while visiting the Ark, I had the privilege of meeting Don, a 94-year-old master craftsman, who uses wood to make beautiful models. Based on photos from Answers magazine and the dimensions of the Ark we provided, Don constructed a beautiful scale model of Noah’s Ark. He brought his model all the way from Raytown, Missouri (a suburb of Kansas City) especially to show me.
Don based his scale model of the Ark on images and dimensions from this 2007 issue of Answers magazine.
The model Ark which Don showed me, one of three he’s made, was given to his daughter Donna (shown holding it with her dad) as a birthday gift. The Ark was complete with a removable roof, three decks and ramps, storage space for the animals, and even windows you could open and close. I did a Facebook Live video with Don so he could show others his beautiful craftsmanship.
I’m glad Don was able to come from Kansas City to the Ark in Northern Kentucky with some of his family. Plan your visit at ArkEncounter.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.