March is Women’s History Month, a time to remember and celebrate the contributions of women in history. Well, in recognition of Women’s History Month, I thought I would mention our upcoming, popular Answers for Women conference, April 7–8, 2017.
This popular conference for 2017 features eight speakers who will equip you with answers so you will be able to give a practical defense of the Christian faith. Here’s what Dr. Georgia Purdom, one of our speakers and researchers who organizes this conference each year, said about this year’s theme:
The theme of this year’s Answers for Women conference is Defend: Ready to Give an Answer. God calls each of His beloved children to share the hope He has given us through Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). Yet how can we share this hope when so many are questioning the very foundation of our faith and false stories abound about Christianity? How would you answer a friend asking if Jesus truly resurrected? How do you share the hope of heaven among all the stories of visits to heaven? Is the Bible even God’s true Word? Should we be involved in things like holy yoga and contemplative prayer? We want to equip you with answers.
Here’s just a sampling of what you will learn:
Marcia Montenegro, a former professional astrologer, will expose New Age and Eastern beliefs that have crept into the church. She says,
Ever since I came out of being in the New Age and Eastern beliefs for many years—through the grace of God—I have watched New Age and Eastern spiritual influences steadily penetrate Western culture and the church. The New Age is vast in scope, so the focus of my presentation will be an examination of some specific New Age and Eastern views that are gaining ground in the Christian church, and how to see these influences through the filter of God’s Word.
Erin Benziger, a blogger and podcast host and writer, will be speaking on the sufficiency of Scripture and the dangers of believing God “speaks” outside of Scripture. She says,
There are many who profess Christianity who do ask for more [than the Bible]. They extol the validity of extrabiblical revelation through voices, visions, dreams, or nudges. These claims must be soberly examined, as they challenge the very teaching of Scripture itself.
Amy Spreeman is the founder of several Christian news sites and researches modern day apostate movements and counter-Christian cults to equip Christians to study all things in the light of Scripture. This will be the focus of her presentation. She writes,
With every counterfeit movement we’ve seen attack the visible church, you’ll find some biblical truth mixed with error. Scripture when used out of context as an end to a means can sound like truth, which is why we need to be discerning and know our Bibles. We need to do as the Bereans in Acts 17 did, and compare every teaching we hear, read, and watch to God’s breathed-out Word.
Grace Mally works to equip young men and women with the tools they need to boldly share the gospel. She will be providing practical tools for evangelism—putting what you’re learning into practice. She says,
We only have a few short days in which we can engage in the battle for souls. If we refuse to speak, we’ll miss out on one of the biggest blessings of the Christian life: testifying of our Savior. It doesn’t have to be awkward. We can engage people in a winsome, natural way—not in a stiff or pushy way. The ideas and tools are endless!
Corey Abney, the pastor of Florence Baptist Church, will be speaking on the reality of heaven and hell. He writes,
A flurry of best-selling books about heaven has flooded the market over the past decade. Several of the heavenly depictions are based on near-death experiences, with children playing a central role, as with The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven and Heaven Is for Real. The question is, To what extent should Christians accept these depictions of heaven? More significantly, do heaven and hell exist at all, and if so, what are they like and why is the conversation important for Bible-believing Christians?
Tim Chaffey is the content manager for the attractions division of Answers in Genesis, as well as an author and speaker. He will be speaking on defending the Resurrection of Jesus. He says,
Every born again Christian believes that Jesus Christ defeated the grave by rising from the dead, but how much do we really know about this spectacular miracle? Do we understand how it is being attacked today and how we can counter these assaults? Do we realize how frequently it is omitted from modern presentations of the gospel even though it is an essential part of the gospel message we are called to proclaim (1 Corinthians 15:1–4) and was the focus of every apostolic sermon in the book of Acts?
You won’t want to miss this unique conference with an emphasis on biblical authority and apologetics—this information is vitally important to the church. The teaching you will receive will equip you to discern truth from error and view everything through the lens of Scripture, our only standard and authority for truth. I encourage you to register today and consider bringing a group of ladies from your church or small group with you (and even your junior high or high school daughters)—this would make a great girls’ getaway or mom-and-daughter weekend.
You will also be able to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter!
Learn more and register on our events page.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.