Exciting New Wild Brothers Adventure

by Ken Ham on March 28, 2016

We’re thrilled to partner with a family halfway around the world from us. The Wild family serves as missionaries to a remote tribe in Southeast Asia. They’ve invited us to join them in their many adventures through the reality video series their four boys have worked hard to put together.

The Wild Brothers has been immensely popular since we started releasing these new DVDs last spring. AiG even accepted an award from the National Religious Broadcasters last month for Best Digital Initiative, on behalf of the Wilds.

Well, adventure number four is now available! The Wild Brothers: Tiger Trails documents the four boys’ attempts to uncover the identity of a mysterious and very elusive jungle predator thought to roam in the remote mountains of their island. In this adventure, kids will learn about how we can study God’s creation to discover more about the world He has made and the hope we can have through Jesus Christ. Children will also join the Wild brothers on hikes through dense forests and along slippery mountain peaks and on a thrilling helicopter ride, showcasing the incredible beauty of this remote part of the world.

When most kids learn about animals and nature in movies, on TV shows, in books, magazines, or in school, they are usually taught through the lens of millions of years of naturalistic processes. This new DVD encourages kids to enjoy and explore the beautiful (though fallen) world that God has made. The praise and glory for nature is directed back to the One who made it—our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Wild Brothers series is a great way to teach your kids the creation-based biblical worldview and important biblical concepts in a fun way—they won’t even realize they’re learning as they enjoy exploring God’s creation with the Wild brothers.

You don’t want to miss this latest adventure! Order your DVD or digital download of The Wild Brothers: Tiger Trails today.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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