“Wait a Minute, the Bible Is True?”

by Ken Ham on November 30, 2015

I’ve been on the road for years, traveling all over the world and speaking on the relevance of Genesis, dinosaurs, creation vs. evolution, the gospel, and so on, and no matter where I go, people are always so thankful that we can give them answers from the Bible that affirm their faith. About a year and a half ago, the Lord brought one of our newest speakers, Bryan Osborne, to Answers in Genesis, and Bryan has brought unique experience to the ministry. I already blogged about Bryan’s background as a public school teacher and how that has allowed him to relate to his audiences in a whole new way, but one of his other “side jobs” is to help review and promote Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC).

What is ABC?

We affectionately refer to it as ABC around the AiG offices, and I like to say that the ABC stands for Apologetics, Biblical authority, and Chronological. Now that’s unofficial, but truly those three things are the core of why we developed the curriculum in the first place. As we were doing research for the book Already Gone, we learned that about two-thirds of young people are leaving the church and, even more alarmingly, that teens who had been through Sunday school as kids were actually more likely to believe in an old Earth, same-sex marriage legality, and that the Bible had errors. As we did our research, we learned a major part of the problem is with how these teens were taught.

It’s Effective to Teach the Bible Chronologically

Bryan knows first-hand how effective it is to teach the Bible chronologically, as he did in the Bible history classes he taught in public school, compared with the approach of many Sunday schools, which is to jump around from week to week.

Most Christians have never studied through the Bible chronologically. And if you think about it, when you go to a church from one Sunday to the next, you’re usually jumping around. One Sunday you’re in Exodus talking about Moses, the next Sunday you’re talking about Jeremiah, next Sunday you’re talking about 1 Corinthians. Same thing with our Sunday school classes. And so for most people, not only kids but also adults, the Bible to them is a jumbled up mess and these “stories” don’t really fit together. But when you go through the Bible chronologically and you see the cause and the effect of the events and you see the flow and you see God’s hand working through these events, progressively leading toward a purpose and a goal, the revelation of Jesus Christ, you realize that the Bible makes sense. It’s got an author who knows what He’s talking about. You also realize that the whole thing is about Jesus. When you start to understand where Abraham fits, where the priesthood fits, where David fits, then all of a sudden the sacrificial system and the tabernacle make sense. All of these things are hard to understand from a Christian perspective when you read the Bible out of order. But they really start to make sense when you go through it chronologically and you see that historical timeline. That’s what I used to do teaching Bible history, so I saw that power. For so many of my kids you could just see it. Throughout the course of the semester, wheels would start turning. They’d think, “Wait a minute? The Bible’s true? This history makes sense. But, wait, if it’s right about history, maybe it’s right about the present, maybe it’s right about the future as well, and maybe it’s right about salvation and I need to do something about that.”

Our Response to the Genesis 3 Attack

Answers Bible Curriculum is truly our response to what I call the Genesis 3 attack of our age. And we have a curriculum for every age group from pre-K to adult. We love that kids and their parents can go to Sunday school each week and learn the same thing in age-appropriate depth, and then go home to talk about it together. The whole family grows together and learns to stand on the authority of God’s Word. Let’s take those alarming statistics as a warning. We need to be diligent in teaching our kids the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse at home and in church. Tell your pastor or children’s ministry coordinator about Answers Bible Curriculum and find out what we can do to stop the mass exodus from the church in my latest book Ready to Return.

And if you want to have an AiG speaker like Bryan Osborne, or Dr. Tommy Mitchell, or the many other dynamic speakers at Answers in Genesis in your area, request a speaker.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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