New Milestone for AiG UK—Speaker Appointed to Lead AiG Ministry and Speak

by Ken Ham on September 27, 2015

As many of you may know the founding chairman of the board of our creation apologetics ministry 35 years ago came from England: Professor (“Prof”) John Rendle-Short. The Lord used my good friend Prof to burden me for ministry in the UK, and Prof pleaded with me (nearly 30 years ago) to travel to England and help reach the English church and the nation with the creation/gospel message. This resulted in the founding of an affiliated ministry in that country, which later changed its name to Answers in Genesis when it became a sister organization of our AiG ministry in the USA.

I am pleased to say that in September they employed Simon Turpin to lead and speak for the ministry.

UK Mega Conference

Simon is married with four children, and he and his wife are expecting their fifth child any day now. He has spent the last five years working at an Independent Evangelical Church in England and has a BA in theology and intercultural studies and a master’s degree in theology. He has written a number of articles for the Answers Research Journal including, “Review of John Lennox’s Book Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science,” “Jesus, Scripture and Error: An Implication of Theistic Evolution,” and “The Importance of an Historical Adam.” Simon understands the vital importance of an uncompromising stand on the book of Genesis, and the need to call the church and culture back to the authority of the Word of God. He has been willing to step out in faith with his young family to lead what we believe is a cutting-edge ministry for today’s world. AiG USA will work hand in hand with Simon to help expand the ministry in the UK/Europe.

As you can imagine, this is an exciting time for the UK ministry. Please pray for Simon and the team in the UK as they spread the vital message of creation, biblical authority, and the gospel with the church and the increasingly secularized culture.

Below is a picture of Simon and me introducing him at the recent UK Mega Conference in Belfast in September 2015.

UK Mega Conference
UK Mega Conference

AiG Speakers (left to right): Rev. Ian McNaughton, Dr. Robert Beckett, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Simon Turpin, Prof. Stuart Burgess, Ken Ham, Prof. Andy McIntosh, Steve Ham

For information on how you can book Simon to come to your area to speak, request an event.

If you are from UK/Europe and do not receive the email newsletters for AiG UK, I urge you to go the bottom of this page to sign up for them.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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