Broadcasting Truth on 850 Radio Stations

by Ken Ham on December 30, 2014

Everybody has questions, and radio provides a great way to reach people with answers while they work, drive, or relax at home. For many years now we’ve been producing a radio program called Answers with Ken Ham. I praise God that this 60-second broadcast has now grown to being heard each weekday on 850 radio stations around the world! In this program, I seek to answer common questions about the Bible, science, and the true history of the world with solid biblical answers that uphold the authority of the Word of God from the beginning. I have met numerous people over the years who have told me that they found out about the ministry of AiG through listening to this program. I’ve also had a number of people tell me the Lord used the radio broadcast to convict them and bring them to salvation.

Our goal with these short radio programs is to point people back to God’s Word as the foundation for their thinking in every area—including science and history. In today’s culture, the history of the Bible is often attacked and discredited. Many Christians have no idea how to answer the skeptical questions of this age with solid answers drawn from the Bible. Sadly, many believers don’t have a worldview that uses the Bible as the basis for understanding reality. Instead of starting with God’s Word, many in the church have compromised with man’s ideas about history and have elevated the ideas of evolution and millions of years above God’s Word. But we need to start our thinking with God’s Word! Since God was there in the beginning and since He does not lie, we can trust the history of the Bible. And because we can trust its history, we can also trust the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to listen to Answers with Ken Ham to equip yourself to answer the questions of the world and to help you build a more biblical worldview. You can listen to new episodes on a radio station near you (you can find a list of stations that carry the program here) or on our website (we also feature the episodes on my Facebook page).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,



This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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