Apologetics Teaching Growing in Brazil

by Ken Ham on August 7, 2014

It was good to welcome Brazilian attorney and biblical apologist Tassos Lycurgo to our offices as the World Cup soccer tournament—played in his native country—was winding down. He is a teacher in Brazil and also has a ministry called “Defesa Da Fe—Apologetica Crista” (“Defense of the Faith—Christian Apologetics”). His Portuguese-language website is defesadofe.org. By the way, we now have our very popular The New Answers Book 1 in the Portuguese language.

Here is a photo of (the very tall) Tassos with me in my office recently:

Ken Ham with Tassos Lycurgo

I continue to be amazed at how many international visitors we have coming to tour the museum. When I give talks inside our Legacy Hall, I often ask our museum guests if they might be from outside the United States, and many hands will typically go up.

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