Famous Scientist at the Creation Museum—and He’s a Biblical Creationist!

by Ken Ham on July 27, 2014

We’ve been reporting on some very large crowds at the Creation Museum this summer. On some days, we’re even exceeding the attendance on the same days seven years ago when we first opened. On one Saturday this month, we had 3,000 guests!

Recently, museum guests were able to hear Dr. Raymond Damadian, inventor of the MRI scanner. He flew in from Long Island to speak at the museum and also to students attending the Camp Infinity “STEM” program in our area.

Dr. Raymond Damadian

Dr. Raymond Damadian

Many of you may recall that during my debate with Bill Nye last February, I countered Mr. Nye’s frequent claim to the media that if the U.S. population believes in creation and not evolution, it will be a hindrance to scientific development and technological breakthroughs. Nye had been saying that for some time, so I thought that during my debate with him, I would play a clip of Dr. Damadian—an eminent scientist, whose work has saved countless lives—to share his beliefs on origins. Dr. Damadian is a renowned scientist—and is unashamedly a biblical creationist. Here is the clip featuring Dr. Damadian that I showed during the debate:

So why is the Creation Museum busy? Actually, the museum has been busy for the past seven years! However, it is true that we have seen quite a spike in attendance this year. In talking with museum visitors, I believe there are multiple reasons:

  1. Many Christians are greatly concerned at the erosion of this nation from a Christian perspective, and they want to ensure that their family and friends can be equipped with the truth of God’s Word as much as possible.
  2. There aren’t many public facilities like the Creation Museum that so boldly present God’s Word in such a first-class, family-friendly way.
  3. The zip line course (best and biggest in the Midwest) has helped make the Creation Museum a great place for families to spend multiple days as a vacation destination.
  4. The publicity surrounding the coming Ark Encounter project has certainly made more people aware of the Creation Museum and the message of truth it stands for.
  5. The “Kids 12 and Under Come Free” program for 2014 has seen many families bring lots of children to the Creation Museum.
  6. The fact we have continually added new exhibits year after year (this year we opened the new $1.5 million Allosaurus exhibit) has certainly helped spread the news in regard to how dynamic a place the Creation Museum is.
  7. Some people have told me how encouraged they were to see me debate Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and be a witness to millions of people, and this motivated them to come and visit the Creation Museum.
  8. All of the marketing over the years, such as our striking billboards and TV ads (including the new billboards and TV spots for this year), have greatly contributed to people finding out about the Creation Museum and thus coming to visit.
  9. Also, the economy has improved and more families are taking vacations that did not do so a few years ago.
  10. AiG has been featuring speakers and conferences at the Creation Museum and working with others, such as those who organized the Camp Infinity program and had Dr. Damadian speak to the youth there (a STEM camp that specializes in apologetics and robotics for young people).
I’m sure there are many more reasons, too, for the increase in museum attendance. The larger point is that the Creation Museum is a God-honoring facility that is being used by God to equip Christians to defend the Christian faith and challenge non-Christians concerning the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Make sure you come and visit this unique Christian facility. Every ticket is a two-day ticket, so you, your family, and friends can enjoy all the theaters (including the world-class planetarium programs), exhibits, beautiful gardens (they are spectacular), petting zoo, and so on. And don’t forget to ride the phenomenal zip line course (that has biblical eco-tour signs throughout).

Camp Infinity

A couple of students participate in the robotics portion of the Camp Infinity program held here at the Creation Museum as well as the conference grounds located just south of us (Potter’s Ranch).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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