Meet a Famous Creation Scientist at Camp Infinity!

by Ken Ham on June 25, 2014
Dr. Raymond Damadian

Dr. Raymond Damadian

My involvement with Answers in Genesis has resulted in meeting many interesting people. One of them is Dr. Raymond Damadian, who in 1969 demonstrated to the world that magnets can be used to scan human tissue to detect diseased cells. His invention of the MRI scanner has resulted in the saving of countless lives by early, non-invasive detection. This is an excellent example of how God has given mankind the ability to use technology to temporarily fight against the effects of the Curse. I have personally benefited from Dr. Damadian’s MRI scans on my back as I’ve had chronic problems for years.

As a Bible-believing Christian, Raymond believes that God created the world in six 24-hour days, just as recorded in the book of Genesis. Men like Bill Nye have stated that belief in biblical creation prohibits scientific discovery, but Dr. Damadian clearly provides a counter example to such false statements. In my recent debate with Bill Nye, I played this video clip of Dr. Damadian in which he clearly states what he believes:

This summer you have a unique opportunity to hear Dr. Damadian speak. He is one the speakers at a new, unprecedented camp that combines the best in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education with a solid foundation in creation apologetics. Camp Infinity (Ci), where science and technology meet truth, is being started by my longtime friend and AiG board member Dan Wooster. Dan is passionate about helping young people develop a biblical worldview of science and technology. He tells me Ci still has openings for the weeks of July 6–12 and July 13–19. I highly recommend Camp Infinity for students who

  • enjoy science and technology
  • would like to learn about robotics, geology, astronomy and biology from a strong biblical worldview
  • are curious about the physics behind zip lines
  • want to study creation and evolution through an in-depth tour of Creation Museum and secular museums that present a very different view
  • want to learn how to guard their hearts with solid Bible answers as well as defend their faith in an increasingly non-Christian culture
  • want to meet Dr. Damadian and hear his testimony of how God enabled him to discover the science behind MRI

It will be our privilege to have, as part of this summer’s Ci program, Dr. Damadian speaking in Legacy Hall to the campers, parents, and other museum visitors on Saturday, July 12, at noon. You won’t want to miss his amazing testimony as he gives God the glory for the invention of MRI.

As coauthor of the book Already Gone, I am keenly aware of why so many young people are leaving the church. That’s why I’m so happy to endorse the mission of Camp Infinity as it reaches out to young people, both Christian and non-Christian, with the truths of the Bible starting with the very first verse. Camp Infinity has my highest recommendation.

I encourage you and your family to explore the Camp Infinity website and see if this unique STEM camp is a good fit for your children.

If you aren’t aware of STEM, I encourage you to visit my recent blog post about STEM at the White House.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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