Creation College 4 is coming to the Creation Museum from August 20–23. Sponsored in part by Cedarville University, this event provides foundational training in the foundational book—Genesis. This is one event that anyone wanting to present, teach, or just be better equipped for creation apologetics needs to attend.
Now, I want to give you four very compelling reasons why you should plan to be at Creation College 4. You will:
One of our speakers, Dr. Terry Mortenson, who is often on the road teaching around the country, believes Creation College 4 meets a vital need in the church:
There is a great need for more Christians to be trained to teach and defend the truth of Genesis. AiG speakers cannot get to all the churches and schools that would like to have us. That’s why Creation College 4 is so needed. There you will not only hear great content to deepen your own understanding of and confidence in the truth of Genesis but also lots of practical help to equip you to take that message out to churches, home groups, schools, civic groups, etc. in your spheres of influence.
Join other AiG speakers including Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. David Menton. Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Steve Ham, and Bodie Hodge, along with Terry and me, as we train the next generation of creation apologists. Your registration includes free admission to the Creation Museum and lunch on Thursday and Friday. This conference is recommended for ages 15 and above.
I urge you to visit for details and register today! The church sorely needs people who are willing to boldly stand on the authority of Scripture, particularly in Genesis, and who can clearly explain why it’s so important. You won’t regret being at this incredible time of teaching!
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.