Who Is Going to Hate the Film A Matter of Faith?

by Ken Ham on May 2, 2014

Atheists and compromising Christians are going to hate A Matter of Faith! It’s a great new movie! If you’ve followed my blog or the AiG website for very long at all, you know that we don’t endorse very many movies—not even many of those that are supposedly “Christian” based. But we are getting fully behind A Matter of Faith!

I’ve seen the film’s trailer and Roger Patterson of our staff—the author of the Evolution Exposed books and a lead writer of our Answers Bible Curriculum—has been a content consultant on this new film. Dale Mason, the publisher of our Answers magazine, and Dr. Georgia Purdom of our science/research staff have seen the full-cut of the film, and they love it. The producer is still finishing up the music and titles, and he plans to show it to me once all that is done.

This film will open in theaters across America on September 26. We want to really help the producers find sponsors who will seriously consider bringing A Matter of Faith to their local movie theater. Let’s help get this quality Bible-proclaiming drama into hundreds of theaters. Go to the special info page on our website to get information that will help families and youth in your city get to see this drama that could be life-changing.

I’ll be sharing a lot more as news of the movie comes out, but right now we need “an army” of screen sponsors! I’m sure the atheists will hate this movie because it’s so true to the Bible. This is a movie you can take friends and family to—and rest assured that both the message of the film, and the conversations that will follow, will turn minds and hearts directly to the gospel! (Yes, it’s got the gospel message in it!)

Of course, this movie’s producers don’t have the marketing dollars Paramount had to promote their very unbiblical movie Noah. But if a lot of Christians get behind A Matter of Faith, then many souls can be influenced for the kingdom.

Again—go to the special movie information page on our website to view the trailer and find out more about what you can do to get this movie to your area.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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