Join the War on Christmas Launch Team

by Ken Ham on September 12, 2013

Our very own Bodie Hodge has recently finished editing a new book on our celebration of Christmas. Here is what our publisher Master Books (a division of New Leaf Publishing Group) shared this week:

The War on Christmas
Is Christmas just a bunch of pagan symbols "Christianized" for the celebration? Is it about the birth of Jesus or simply celebrating the earthly gifts we give ourselves?

Hodge addressees these questions and more in the soon-to-be released book from Master Books, The War on Christmas: Battles in Faith, Tradition, and Religious Expression. We want you to be a part of spreading this message. (We'll make it worth your while — we promise.)

The launch

A lot of work goes into successfully launching a book and we can't do it alone. We need your help . . .

You are invited to be part of a special "insiders" group, where you get access to everything before the rest of the world. We want to enable you to spread this important message.

It's going to be fun!

What you get

If you sign up to join the War on Christmas Insider Team (and get accepted), here's what you'll get for your time:
  1. An advanced electronic copy (PDF) of the typeset manuscript that you can read a month before anyone else will get a copy.
  2. A free copy of the hardcover before it releases.
  3. Exclusive access to a private Facebook group, where we'll share promotion ideas.
  4. The opportunity to interact with other launch team members and see the behind-the-scenes of a book launch.
  5. A free digital copy of Tower of Babel by Bodie Hodge.
  6. A free digital copy of Fall of Satan by Bodie Hodge.
  7. Some other great surprises we can't tell you about yet.

What we're asking from you

If you're picked to be a part of this team, we ask that you agree to:
  • Read and review the book online (e.g. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or your blog).
  • Spread the word any way you can during release week (October).
  • Interact with the rest of the launch team and participate in the community to help come up with promotion ideas (we're open to experimenting).
We're excited and honored for you to be a part of the team and we ask that you take it seriously. Please don't apply if you don't have the time or energy to dedicate to helping get the word out.

Apply now

Because of the time invested, we need to keep the group to a manageable size. Therefore, we won't be accepting everyone who applies. Applications close Wednesday, Sept. 18th at 5p CST.

Click here to apply for the insider team.

We'll be emailing individuals to let you know if you made the team. If you don't hear from us in a week, you can assume you didn't make it. Don't worry; there will be other opportunities to get involved in the launch.

You are probably aware that Answers in Genesis and Master Books team up often to defend the authority of Scripture and bring the truth of God’s Word to our culture. This is another way you can get involved and help make a difference! I encourage you to prayerfully consider joining this important team.

You can find out more information about the book and preorder your copy on our online store.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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