It’s Not Harrrd

by Ken Ham on January 3, 2013

It’s always encouraging to receive testimonies from people who have been impacted by the ministry of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. A couple from Pittsburgh decided to celebrate their 10-year anniversary at one of the Creation Museum’s Stargazer’s Nights. They sent us their testimony, and I thought you would be encouraged by it.

Hello Mr. Ham,

I grew up near Mt. St. Helens [in Washington State]. I lived through the eruptions, ash, evacuation drills and so much more [in the 1980s]. I met my wife, life long Pittsburgh resident, while commuting from the Pacific Northwest to Pittsburgh doing computer work. . . . Fast forward to a couple years ago when we went to see Dr. Tommy Mitchell [of AiG] do a weekend seminar at our old church. I had never even heard of the Creation Museum. We both had not given much thought to Genesis. We both [believed] that all of the millions of years and evolution all took place before Adam. Dr. Mitchell opened our eyes! Did he EVER! Everything simply makes sense within a creationism context. As Dr. Mitchell says “It’s not HARRRD!”

A couple months later we both felt an urging to attend the AiG Mega-Conference. We did and were immensely blessed. Once we heard that the Creation Museum had a “Deaf Day” approaching, we applied and were accepted to be volunteers. We had the chance to talk to many staff members as well as fellow volunteers, and were very impressed with the supportive nature of everyone involved. We were also impressed with the facility itself. The whole organization is so very top notch and professional. We have since volunteered twice additionally.

We have decided to spend our 10-year wedding anniversary… at the Creation Museum

We pray daily for all of them, AiG and you Mr. Ham. We thank you for being an organization that is not only top notch, but above reproach.

God bless. D.I.

You know, it’s so great to hear when the ministry of the Creation Museum has impacted people’s lives. I hope you found this testimony as encouraging as I did.

By the way, this year’s national AiG Mega Conference is being held in Sevierville (near Gatlinburg and the Great Smoky Mountains), Tennessee. You can find more information at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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