Were They “Worse Sinners”? And Pastor Boyd Responds

by Ken Ham on September 11, 2012

I wrote a special front-page web article for this 9/11 anniversary of the terrible tragedy that occurred as a result of the terrorist attacks on America back in 2001.

The article is titled “'Were They Worse Sinners?” Here are the opening paragraphs, and then the link to the entire article:

Each year on September 11, Americans recall the horror of the 2001 terrorist attacks against the USA that occurred at the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC, and also the crashing of a hijacked plane in rural Pennsylvania. In addition, people all over the world will also be reminded today of these four terrible events and the loss of thousands of American lives.

For me personally, it was quite moving when I visited New York City a few years ago and made sure I paid a visit to Ground Zero. Today, two almost-complete skyscrapers and a memorial park stand there as reminders of that tragic day.

Here is the link to entire article.

Pastor Boyd Responds

Recently on my blog, I publicly challenged Pastor Greg Boyd (Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota) to apologize for a particular statement he made in one of his recent blogs.

Well, Pastor Boyd did respond, and he apologized on his blog yesterday. I do appreciate his gracious reply—even though we obviously disagree on issues regarding the importance of believing a literal Genesis, and at the end of his apology, he made an additional comment or two about the origins issue that I found troubling. But I am thankful nonetheless for his apology.

You can read his entire response titled "An Apology From Greg" at this link.

I would also like to publicly invite Pastor Boyd to visit the Creation Museum as our guest for a day—we would take care of his travel and accommodations. I will be sending this invitation in a letter to him.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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