Creation Apologetics in the Philippines

by Ken Ham on July 4, 2012

It was thrilling to receive this email from one of the pastors, Jan, who attended AiG's International Training Seminar (ITS) week of apologetics study earlier in the year. He writes the following from the Philippines:

I thank the Lord every time I remember our week-long training in Kentucky. For sure, it was one of the best weeks of my life.

Before I even got my US visa for our ITS week, God had already planted the desire in my heart to share whatever I will learn from our friends in AiG. By God's grace, that desire will become a reality, for tomorrow and Friday, I am given the opportunity to conduct a Creation Science and Christian Apologetics Seminar in my church, Doane Baptist Church. The time will be from 5:30 PM- 8:00 PM. The crowd will include 200 Bible school students from Doane Baptist Seminary, Campus Bible Fellowship leaders (campus evangelism teams), church outreaches, our church deacons and trustees and church organizational officers (young people, married couples, singles, laymen). The sessions are open for all, so I am sure a lot more are coming from other churches.

I will be presenting powerpoints on Understanding the Times, Evolutionary Images Around Us and Learning How to Defend Your Faith. I will also share a short testimony on how the Lord has supernaturally planned out circumstances so that I am able to attend ITS and I will also share a little info about the Creation Museum and the upcoming Ark Encounter.

With this, I would need your prayers. Please uphold my health, voice, and thoughts in your prayers. It is my hope that our brethren here will respond in faithfulness to God's infallible Word and be more involved in reaching the lost world.

I am also given the privilege to speak in Doane Baptist Seminary's Bible Conference in the last week of July. The school gave me 4 sessions of an hour each. Would you kindly pray for me as I prepare towards that? May the Spirit give me wisdom.

Thank you so much for your help. It is greatly appreciated as we advance together the kingdom of our King. God bless you all superiorly. For Christ and His kingdom, Pastor Jan.

We praise the Lord for the doors He has opened up for AiG to spread the message of biblical authority and the gospel around the world.

Olympics Update

The AiG London Olympics ministry has reached 97 team members that will travel with Dr. David Crandall and our AiG Worldwide Team to London. We praise the Lord that so many people will reach out to the many who come to the Olympics. 150,000 booklets, in eight languages, are printed and have arrived in England—along with several thousand AiG pins that will be traded and used as a witnessing tool.

Our team leaves New York City on August 2 and will be met by our “Grace2London” English partners in London. Our total team size will be well over 150 people. Please pray that God will bless this team with many opportunities to share their faith and distribute our Olympics witnessing booklet titled Big Ben-Time.

I am traveling to England at the same time to speak at a conference and then at some churches in England and Northern Ireland. Also, I will spend some time speaking to our Olympics witnessing team. You can find out more about my UK itinerary at this link.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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