I can’t believe how the past five years have flown by. You see, later this month, we’ll be celebrating the fifth anniversary of the opening of the Creation Museum. So much about the museum has exceeded our expectations—from the attendance (1.6 million people), to the international media coverage we’ve gotten, to the many positive comments we’ve received (including salvation testimonies)! It is time to celebrate. And we’ll do that on Memorial Day weekend.
Here is a photo taken on opening day at the Creation Museum almost five years ago—just as the ribbon was about to be cut and the doors to open. Notice the many boom mikes and cameras of some of the media present.
As you check out the Creation Museum blog post for more information, note in particular what will be happening on Friday evening, May 25. Before an excellent dinner is served, we’ll be unveiling the newest high-tech exhibit at the Creation Museum—our “Lucy” display. This is a very impressive exhibit. It will be using holographic technology that will probably have museum curators from all over the country wanting to see it. This new exhibit, built under the scientific direction of Dr. David Menton of our staff, will show museum visitors that this so-called “exhibit A” in human evolution is bogus.
Now that our new Johnson Observatory has opened (to many rave comments), we’re happy just a few weeks later to open a high-tech and eye-opening exhibit on Lucy.
The dinner and anniversary celebration doesn’t end after eating the meal. I will give a talk on the legacy of the AiG ministry, and the AiG staff have talked me into playing our ministry’s new piano (I rarely play in public). I will be accompanied by AiG musician Buddy Davis, and then there will be a concert by Buddy. A few weeks ago, a family in New Mexico donated a Yamaha (C7) grand piano to AiG, and this will be one of our first public events where this magnificent piano will be used. (We had a special dedication of the piano in front of the AiG staff a few weeks ago.)
A ticket for this anniversary dinner, the Lucy unveiling, the music, and the talk will be $60. A portion of that amount will be used to fund our future insectarium. To make your reservations (by May 18), call (800) 778-3390.
For this May 25 banquet, we’ll be meeting in our new Legacy Hall, so this will be an opportunity for you to see how God has blessed us with another addition to the museum. The hall can seat about 1,000 people, and in banquet style, about 350 diners. You might want to make your reservations now in case we do get 350 people signing up for the banquet.
I hope that as many of you can attend as possible—not only to enjoy the dinner and join in our museum anniversary celebration, but also to know that your participation will help fund one of the major new exhibits at the Creation Museum.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.