We were totally surprised recently to hear that an AiG supporter had decided to donate a full-size concert grand piano to AiG for our new auditorium, Legacy Hall. It is a C7 Yamaha with a digital package. What a blessing. In fact, we had been talking for some time about how we could eventually obtain a piano suitable for this wonderful auditorium the Lord has enabled us to have at the Creation Museum. This was something we were praying about, and “out of the blue,” we received a phone call from New Mexico asking us if we could use this wonderful instrument. We use Legacy Hall for conferences, dinners, concerts, daily presentations by our speakers, and many other events.
Yesterday, we had a special staff meeting in Legacy Hall to dedicate this piano to the furtherance of the gospel at the Creation Museum. Some of our talented staff put on a special music program for this time.
Here are some photographs taken as the piano first arrived at our facility about a week ago:
Here are photos taken at the special staff meeting yesterday:
Mike Zovath and Steve Ham in a bit of a comedy routine to show that the piano can play on its own. We used this time to explain some of the many electronic features that were added to this piano. Mike acted as if he was playing the piano (but the player-piano mode was on), and Steve acted as if he was singing an opera piece.
AV staff member, Doug Nelson, explains some of the varied features of the digital package.
Staff member, Tom Hill (Accounting Dept.), Lindsay Link, and Joetta Schmitt (both are in the Advancement Dept.) lead the staff in singing a gospel song.
Staff member Jen Huff (Advancement) masterfully plays a difficult piece to accompany the flautist.
Marcie Wilson (who works in the petting zoo) beautifully plays a complex piece on the flute.
Danielle Johnson (Executive Department) using her God-given talents and training to play “In Christ Alone.”
Yes, they convinced me to play (in my “different” style) “How Great Thou Art” while the staff sang.
Buddy Davis accompanied me on the guitar as I played “How Great Thou Art.”
How we praise God for this wonderful addition to Legacy Hall. We believe the piano will be greatly used as we proclaim the authority of God’s Word and the gospel message.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.