Large Canadian Group Visits

by Ken Ham on October 27, 2011

I am constantly amazed at the number of Canadian visitors we see touring our Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. At the same time, we shouldn’t be too surprised because the Canadian border is about a five-hour drive away from our museum. Millions of vehicles cross back and forth at the Detroit border crossing every year.

In the photo below, you see a Canadian group that supports “In Touch Ministries” (the TV and radio ministry of Pastor Charles Stanley in Georgia). They made a visit to the Creation Museum on the last stop of their U.S. tour before heading back to Ontario. They spent a Sunday morning attending the worship services of Dr. Charles Stanley’s church, First Baptist Atlanta. This was the church I preached in two years ago; Dr. Stanley had given me the morning services so that I could talk about the youth exodus from the church—as detailed in our book Already Gone.

I am so encouraged to know that many influential Christian leaders are using our resources to assist them in defending our Christian faith—not only to help keep young people from leaving the church but also to equip all Christians to be emboldened in their faith as they get trained in biblical apologetics.

To find out more about In Touch Ministries, go to You can also read Dr. Stanley’s bio on their website.

Read this post to see how I blogged about the 2009 Sunday services at Dr. Stanley’s church, with photos.

I wish to thank Mr. Art Brooker, director emeritus of the Canadian branch of In Touch Ministries, for bringing this large group here to the museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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